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Constructive in a sentence

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Sentence count:293+9Posted:2016-12-30Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: helpfulusefulworthwhileAntonym: destructiveSimilar words: constructionconstructingconstructinstructioninstructionalinstructinstructorobstructionMeaning: [-tɪv]  adj. 1. constructing or tending to construct or improve or promote development 2. emphasizing what is laudable or hopeful or to the good. 
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121, Union leaders reacted by taking a more constructive role in the policy discussions of the party.
122, Senseless violence is a prerogative of youth, which has much energy but little talent for the constructiveAnthony Burgess 
123, Conflicts of interest among philanthropic groups originating in differing social or religious theories frustrated constructive action in certain fields.
124, Constructive and destructive waves correspond closely with two of the main types of breaker recognised today, namely spilling and plunging breakers.
125, Is not it time that he built the economy in a constructive way rather than just waffling about it?
126, Is the federal government a constructive force in directing industrial technology or an obstacle?
127, Within six months, they in turn would be ripe for constructive torment by Lexandro's peers.
128, One can only speculate, and surely there's a more constructive way to spend one's time?
129, No one will think you are crazy and it can be a very constructive discussion.
130, He said interesting and constructive submissions on franchising had been received from the private sector and these were being examined closely.
131, The couple were helped to explore constructive methods of dealing with future crises without resorting to self-poisoning.
132, I stress that we have made them in the most constructive vein possible.
133, Socially useful design not merely exposes, criticises and challenges this process, but also presents constructive alternatives.
134, We might well hit on constructive ideas, no less than on destructive strategies.
135, To express constructive criticism and voice well researched concerns is of course healthy and legitimate.
136, Other more constructive workers split evenly between those favoring casual and those preferring declared.
137, Given a positive backcloth, constructive and honest appraisal is a challenging process, not something to be feared.
138, The Government will continue to encourage all parties to play a constructive role in the reform process.
139, This task, the creation of new constructive ideals, has hardly ever been accomplished by youth alone.
140, To pretend that the 12 can beat out a constructive, flexible, foreign policy based on majority voting seems wholly unrealistic.
141, This would seem to be a more constructive approach than simply locking up individuals.
142, Clearly, though, the best way to improve your presentation skills is through practice and constructive criticism, hardly new concepts.
143, Practical implications Almost all constructive dismissal cases involve an unfair dismissal claim.
144, The patient might rehearse in imagination the most constructive alternative so that he may readily adopt it if a crisis occurs.
145, Serving officers who attempt constructive criticism of the police(sentence dictionary), risk being labelled traitors and put their promotion prospects in jeopardy.
146, It is arguable that more recently retired business men would have a constructive role to play.
147, Such were the ideas that became the motivating and constructive force in framing our ritual.
148, But you are cautiously optimistic because of the constructive atmosphere in which the talks took place.
149, The representatives of the media should see the meeting as a constructive activity and not just a propaganda exercise.
150, The video showed everyday situations which the staff could relate to, and enabled them to make very constructive comments.
More similar words: constructionconstructingconstructinstructioninstructionalinstructinstructorobstructiondestructionconstruestructurestructuralinfrastructuredeductiveproductiveconstrainconstrictconstraintconsecutiveconservativeinstrumentdemonstrateproductivityconstantdemonstratorstruggle againstactivedemonstrationconstantlyconstitute
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