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Confounded in a sentence

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Sentence count:84+2Posted:2016-08-27Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: founderprofoundunder controlround and roundon footextendedunderconfuseMeaning: [-dɪd]  adj. perplexed by many conflicting situations or statements; filled with bewilderment. 
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31) However, this relationship is confounded by the effect of age; disability increases with age, as does dementia.
32) The inflation figure confounded economic analysts, most of whom had been predicting a much smaller reduction.
33) She refused his advances and confounded a multitude of scholars assembled by him to overcome her scruples.
34) All this beneath a canopy of sulphur and a bedlam of sounds, like confusion confounded.
35) Even travel agents are confounded by the logic of airline ticket pricing.
36) For Keynesian economists confusion was further confounded when these were accompanied by galloping inflation.
37) What started with high hopes for mutual support among poor countries was confounded by market forces.
38) Gradually, he confounded everyone with his burgeoning vocabulary and tactical nous.
39) But Aunt May won't let me go because of this confounded ankle.
40) At the start, Lottie was confounded by the garden: Lottie did her best with the disorientated and often distressed inmates.
41) Intel finally conceded that its stampede of product announcements confounded at least as many people as it enlightened.
41) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
42) Parental education will be confounded with social class and it is therefore important to consider them jointly.
43) The problem of documentation is further confounded when one considers the nature and range of electronic documents currently being produced.
44) Henry Kissinger was also confounded and frustrated by the Communists during his secret negotiations with them.
45) At times it appears large numbers of these new or infrequent voters were confounded by technical problems in the ballot.
46) The poor election results confounded the government.
47) He had confounded those people by passing the test.
48) The foxy Nixon had once again confounded his opponents.
49) My governess was quite confounded.
50) You are a confounded nuisance; stop pestering me.
51) Unfortunately, our expectations are confounded by poor design.
52) That confounded boy's bad behaviour annoys me.
53) I've been kept waiting a confounded long time.
54) Every man is brutish by his knowledge; every founder is confounded by the graven image: for his molten image is falsehood, and there is no breath in them.
55) What tithes and tricks but an imposition, all a confounded imposture ? - and I can prove it.
56) He was so confounded at her discourse that he could not answer a word.
57) Behold, all they that were incensed against thee shall be ashamed and confounded: they shall be as nothing; and they that strive with thee shall perish.
58) Estimating true aortic size is confounded by obliquity, asymmetry, and non corresponding sites.
59) I am confident that one day it will – and your fear of the yellow peril and rejoice in the decline of the west will both be confounded.
60) Your mother shall be sore confounded; she that bare you shall be ashamed: behold, the hindermost of the nations shall be a wilderness, a dry land, and a desert.
More similar words: founderprofoundunder controlround and roundon footextendedunderconfuseroundunder wayundergoconfessconfirmconfidegroundaroundcome underfall underconfrontconflictround upcompoundround offall roundexpoundunderstandundermineundertakeconfidentcome round
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