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Concerned in a sentence

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Sentence count:211+43Posted:2016-12-28Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: irrelevantunconcernedSimilar words: be concerned aboutconcernconcerningconcertdisconcertingconcedeconceptconcealMeaning: [-nd]  adj. 1. feeling or showing worry or solicitude 2. involved in or affected by or having a claim to or share in 3. in relation (or in regard) to; especially as in the phrases 4. culpably involved. 
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(151) He was concerned with the enhancement of the human condition.
(152) The anthropology of the future will not be concerned above all else with primitives.
(153) They were more concerned with how the other women had dressed than in what the speaker was saying.
(154) As far as grammar is concerned, I have grasped it.
(155) The governing body of the school is / are concerned about discipline.
(156) The problem is of the same order of magnitude for all concerned.
(157) Many politicians are more concerned with power and control than with the good of the people.
(158) His dismissal was rather a sticky business for all concerned.
(159) Everyone is a millionaire where promises are concernedOvid 
(160) Small minds are concerned with the extraordinary, great minds with the ordinary. Blaise Pascal 
(161) Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are. John Wooden 
(162) To be happy, we must not be too concerned with others. Albert Camus 
(163) I don't know who my grandfather was; I am much more concerned to know what his grandson will be. Abraham Lincoln 
(164) Where the questions of religion are concerned people are guilty of every possible kind of insincerity and intellectual misdemeanor. Sigmund Freud 
(165) Our youth must always be free, discussing and exchanging ideas concerned with what is happening throughout the entire world. Che Guevara 
(166) He has a blind spot , where modern art is concerned.
(167) Carry the count of industrial data, obtain parameter of calculative of benefit of concerned water supply.
(168) The climatologist is greatly concerned with the time constants of the energy reservoirs of the world.
(169) A climatologist is greatly concerned with the time constants of the energy reservoirs of the world.
(169) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(170) It is impossible to obtain the concurrence of all the parties concerned.
(171) So far as methods of management are concerned, we should lay particular stress on overcoming bureaucratism.
(172) That seems to have been the position in Corinth and Paul was greatly concerned about it.
(173) In their pursuit of luxuries, the army units concerned contravene policy in many ways.
(174) So far as they are concerned, there is no Government or Constitution of the United States.
(175) Where the test content was concerned, test anxiety mostly came from error correction and cloze test.
(176) Oedipus, Antigone and Socrates were the tragic figures mainly - concerned by Hegel.
(177) He was concerned about the recent blear in his vision.
(178) The key problems concerned with FEM simulation system, such element selection , contact boundary condition are studied.
(179) LED control, make count down with LED control class. The class reference method should be concerned.
(180) The catcher isn't too concerned about an inflamed right elbow.
More similar words: be concerned aboutconcernconcerningconcertdisconcertingconcedeconceptconcealconceitconceiveconcealedconceitedconceptualconcessionconceptionconcealmentconcentrateinconceivableconcentrationconcentrate onconcentratingconceptualiseadornedlearnedInternetwildernessunderneathdiscerneastern europediscernible
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