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Compact in a sentence

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Sentence count:209+8Posted:2017-01-31Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: agreementalliancebargainbriefconciseconcordcontractdealpactshorttreatyunderstandingSimilar words: impactcompanycompareaccompanyencompasscompanioncomparisoncompatibleMeaning: ['kɒmpækt]  n. 1. a small cosmetics case with a mirror; to be carried in a woman's purse 2. a signed written agreement between two or more parties (nations) to perform some action 3. a small and economical car. v. 1. have the property of being packable or of compacting easily 2. compress into a wad 3. make more compact by or as if by pressing 4. squeeze or press together. adj. 1. closely and firmly united or packed together 2. having component parts closely crowded together 3. heavy and compact in form or stature 4. briefly giving the gist of something. 
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61. One listed his music cassettes, the second his compact disks.
62. Electrical input Make yourself a quick cup of tea or coffee with a compact travel kettle.
63. One tribe, the Hualapai, closed its casino last year but still has a gaming compact.
64. Daniel was a compact, antic man with gold-rimmed glasses and thinning salt-and-pepper hair.
65. It is essential that their successes are acknowledged and that Compact development builds on their expertise.
66. It was that rectangular piece of cardboard that musical compact discs used to come in.
67. And I see that by the left or the right, by compact or by conquest, come they will.
68. It is therefore another compact star, perhaps even a pulsar.
69. How does Compact fit in with other Government initiatives to benefit the inner cities?
70. Do Compact employers guarantee time off without loss of pay for trade unionists to work in schools?
71. Seldom has so much been placed on the shoulders of a single compact disc.
72. Each Compact will make its own arrangements for monitoring the quality of jobs offered.
73. The company, which makes compact discs, wants to start making cassettes.
74. In the morning sunlight Dent was no longer a fantasy but a solid and compact cluster of dwellings of a past age.
75. We designed motorized shopping carts with everything from compact disc players to built-in price scanners.
76. On the train ride home, the compartment no longer seemed like a compact travelling home.
77. The compact form presents a minimal surface area to the moving water and the large foot maximises adhesion to the rock surface.
78. Today, just a few years after musical compact discs hit the mass market, the long box is history.
79. And a compact disc changer is available, dealer installed, for $ 650.
80. Employers who join the Compact make a collective guarantee to offer jobs to young people who have achieved the Compact goals.
81. Testing complicates the issue of fulfilment of the employers' obligations to provide jobs to successful Compact graduates.
82. Opening her compact, she checked her appearance, and dabbed at her hair.
83. The school may also produce a newsletter for parents and governors which might contain short accounts of Compact activities.
83. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
84. Research showed the region had many recreational activities squeezed into a compact area, said Herder.
85. His frame, which is compact, strong and well proportioned, gives every indication of great strength, agility and endurance.
86. Compact should be a standing item on the agenda of governors' meetings.
87. Can an expert tell the difference between top price and budget compact discs?
88. One often felt assaulted, as if the volume had been turned up on a cheap compact disc player.
89. But this quadrant of Chelsea, more compact and closer to midtown, seems likely to develop more quickly.
90. And again: stand for election to the governing body of a Compact school.
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