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Chemically in a sentence

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Sentence count:154+6Posted:2017-04-19Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: chemicalpetrochemicalchemical energybiogeochemical cycleacademicallyeuphemisticallypolemicalcomicallyMeaning: adv. 1. by the use of chemicals 2. with respect to chemistry. 
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121. In another group of rats, the researchers chemically blocked activity in the prelimbic cortex, which is located near the front of the brain and close to the midline between the two hemispheres.
122. A new synthesize method of weak-base ion exchange fiber was developed in our lab. The process produces amine and imidazolyl functional groups chemically bonded to the PAN fiber.
123. It is very heavy and chemically resembles arsenic and antimony.
124. There have been attempts to modify the fiber chemically to resist abrasion enhancement.
125. The whole biosphere , like the individual organisms that liveinside it, exists in a chemically dynamic state.
126. Chemically they were the same protein; but geometrically they we re different shapes.
127. Male rats and mice with chemically induced folate deficiency have impaired spermatogenesis and are infertile.
128. Agents controlling the metamorphism: temperature, pressure and chemically active fluid.
129. Here the amyloid fibril protein is designated AFp and appears to be chemically related to prealbumin.
130. Great for babies, kids, or adults with chemically sensitive skin. Will not irritate eczema or cradle cap reports of healing even stubborn cases.
131. When exposed to stress, in whatever form, we react both chemically and physically.
132. Instead of burning coal, the Wabash River plant chemically transforms it in a process called coal gasification.
133. The first concerns noble gases. Were it not for escape,( chemically unreactive gases such as neon or argon would remain in an atmosphere indefinitely.
134. A process for chemically removing waxy constituents from lube oil base stock by using zeolite base catalyst under hydrogen atmosphere in order to meet the low temperature characteristics of lube oil.
135. Heroin: Heterocyclic compound, a highly addictive alkaloid derivative of morphine (chemically, it is diacetylmorphine) that makes up a large portion of illicit narcotics traffic.
136. The review summarizes the major progress in symbiont generated natural products, being chemically inspiring and biologically potent secondary metabolites.
137. Limonoids, mainly found in the Rutaceae and Meliaceae families, are a group of chemically related triterpene substances and derivatives of secondary metabolism of plants.
138. The methyl group (CH3) attached to the methionine sulfur atom in SAM is chemically reactive.
138. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
139. Diane Longacre says the lye and oil molecules combine and chemically change into soap and glycerin.
140. The egg is chemically stimulated to create a group of cells that form a non-viable (and unfertilised) "embryo".
141. We inject guinea pigs or rabbits with enkephalins that are chemically coupled to large proteins.
142. Objective To establish a chemically induced type I diabetes mellitus model in mice.
143. In another group of rats, the researchers chemically blocked actiity in the prelimbic cortex, which is located near the front of the brain and close to the midline between the two hemispheres.
144. The films were chemically treated with solvents to enhance electronic coupling between the two materials.
145. Scientists at Wyeth synthesized a chemically modified tetracycline, called tigecycline, that can no longer be pumped out of target cells.
146. Treatment for chemically, straightened hair. Nourishes and improves manageability of damaged chemically straightened hair, prevents frizz and makes hair silk and shine.
147. At present time, the most promising method is presumably to inhibit chemically the decomposition reaction of the explosive.
148. The intratumoral anti-iron treatment can chemically eliminate any sarcomatous tumors and large metastases.
149. Neutralisation. When an alkalic cleaning agent was used, the water is chemically neutralized in order to prevent corrosion.
150. A chemically precipitated substance that binds particles of clastic rocks.
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