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Category in a sentence

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Sentence count:252+32Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: classfamilySimilar words: negotiatestrategyintegratestrategicintegratedlocateeducatedelicateMeaning: ['kætɪgərɪ]  n. 1. a collection of things sharing a common attribute 2. a general concept that marks divisions or coordinations in a conceptual scheme. 
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211. Politics oath system is a historical category, which incarnates people's affirmance to democracy system.
213. Hurricane Dean has been upgraded to a Category 3 storm. Dean knocked out power on the islands of St. Lucia and Martinique. At least three deaths are being blamed on the storm.
214. With the help of corpus, we can analyze the polysemous phenomenon of same-rooted words and find that in the category of same-rooted words, there are center meanings and peripheral meanings.
215. Automatic medical image classification is to give the semantic category labels to medical images, which can be regarded as a supervised learning process.
216. The existing industrial cluster theories were made a brief review and then a new research findings that industrial cluster category is embodied exteriorly by industrial characteristics was given.
217. Causative is in semantic relation category and it represents that the causer imposess a force on the cause, and therefore engenders certain result at the same time.
218. We are thrilled that this first test of the market with Turkish Contemporary Art as a separate category on the international auction scene was so well received and attracted such enthusiastic bidding.
219. Such as: the establishment of databank, category analysis and management, data mining and implementation, integration "between proscenium and tiring-room" of Digital Marketing etc.
220. Our transportation hacks category is full of unfortunate machinery like [Steven Laurie]'s motor art, weed whacker bikes, and electric motorcycles of all types.
221. Note: 1. The laying method in correspondence with D category in the table 1-18(GB/T16895.15-2002), which is suitable for the direct cable burying or cable layout in the underground conduit.
222. Gets or sets the resource identifier that specifies the application - defined category of the event entry.
223. "Tension" is a criticism category proposed by Allen Tate and the most important criticism term in aesthetics of new criticism.
224. While these bee-wearers were impressive, they didn't come close to the current Guinness Book of Record-holder in the category for "most pounds of bees worn on the body."
225. Words and expressions mark aspect, discuss the aspect of function diverse, lexical category widespread, quantity is rich, and use freedom.
226. Bucket: This category includes the requirements that are long running or deferrable.
227. Propose that pharmacoeconomics should be included in the management category of the clinical pharmacy of the hospital, should be regarded as the clinical pharmacists working function.
227. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
228. Therefore, the desktop system currently used is very popular category MSDN the main interface.
229. The building is located on the outskirts of Katowice, near a forest, on land deteriorated by 4th category mining damage, where tectonic faults are a possibility.
230. Which category of people do you think suitable to play the lawn bowling?
231. The Sukhoi Superjet 100 is a modern, fly-by-wire regional jet in the 75- to 95-seat category.
232. Evolved from our popular TCR Series, TCX rods redefine the extreme distance category, as we continue to push the outer boundaries of fly rod performance.
233. A cross-eyed picture of each actress in the category – Portman, Annette Bening, Nicole Kidman, Jennifer Lawrence and Michelle Williams – was taped to an Oscar statuette.
234. And category of spot welder and basic property of equipments are discussed.
235. Third category called" little wife" middle, be a yes-man, like a doormat.
236. In the following window, specify the function category as XML, and XMLQuery as the function signature.
237. Isaac Asimov is the only author to have a book in every Dewey-decimal category.
238. Under high level of the Dichlorvos, the toxicities of the Dichlorvos to the Marine Chlorella can be classified into 3 category at different salinities.
239. The minority shareholders' interests presented in the comparative financial statements of the previous year shall be listed under the category of the owner's equities according to these Standards.
240. A category is a division or class in a complete system or grouping.
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