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Butter in a sentence

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Sentence count:285+40Posted:2016-12-20Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: mutterclutterbutter upbutterflyutterancemutteringletterbetterMeaning: ['bʌtə]  n. 1. an edible emulsion of fat globules made by churning milk or cream; for cooking and table use 2. a fighter who strikes the opponent with his head. v. spread butter on. 
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121. Add the melted butter, molasses, salt, and flour.
122. Mix the flour and butter, then add the eggs.
123. You often use clarified butter when making curry.
124. spread the butter too thick.
125. Cream the butter and sugar together.
126. Mix the flour and butter well.
127. The butter has gone / turned rancid.
128. He's always trying to butter up the boss.
129. Put a knob of butter in the frying pan.
130. Grease the tin with butter before baking the cake.
130. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
131. Mix the butter and sugar together.
132. Don't think you can butter me up that easily.
133. She spread the bread with butter.
134. Mix in 75g of butter.
135. Butter is made out of/from milk.
136. Mix together the butter and sugar until smooth.
137. Sunflower margarine has the same fat content as butter.
138. Melt a knob of butter in the pan.
139. It was so hot that the butter ran.
140. Beat the butter and sugar; then blend in the egg.
141. Would you like a roll and butter with your soup?
142. Gently work the butter into the flour until there are no lumps left.
143. As a hangover from rationing, they mixed butter and margarine.
144. Mix in half the butter and keep the remaining 50g for later.
145. You don't add the peanut butter until after you've stirred in the honey.
146. The butter will run if you put it near the fire.
147. Mix the butter with the sugar and then add the egg.
148. Gently turn the fish, being careful not to spatter any hot butter on yourself.
149. The recipe tells you to use a pound and a half of butter.
150. Not having butter on his potatoes was his only gesture towards healthy eating.
More similar words: mutterclutterbutter upbutterflyutterancemutteringletterbettermatterbitterlatterlittershatterbatteryscatterpatternno mattera matter ofshatteredshort-termunfetteredintermittentas a matter of factget the better ofcounterfeiterbuttbuttonput toscuttleshuttle
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