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Bowling in a sentence

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Sentence count:238+3 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-06-27Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: howlingcowlingscowlinggrowlingbawlingbrawlingcrawlingsprawlingMeaning: ['bəʊlɪŋ]  n. 1. a game in which balls are rolled at an object or group of objects with the aim of knocking them over or moving them 2. (cricket) the act of delivering a cricket ball to the batsman 3. the playing of a game of tenpins or duckpins etc. 
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1. Let's go bowling on Saturday.
2. Jack, what time do you want to go bowling?
3. We were bowling along at seventy miles per hour.
3. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
4. England were no match for the Indian bowling attack.
5. Soon we were bowling along the country roads.
6. We were bowling down at eighty miles per hour.
7. Pringle was tired after bowling for an hour.
8. Prinne was tired after bowling for half an hour.
9. Do you want to go bowling with us Friday?
10. The complex contains a bowling alley, pool hall and indoor tennis courts.
11. They were bowling along the motorway at sixty miles per hour.
12. An extra skittle was added and, lo[], tenpin bowling was born.
13. In any event, the bowling alley restaurant proved quite acceptable.
14. McArthur opened the bowling on the first day of the match.
15. I can't see the point of bowling a ball like that.
16. The aim in bowling is to knock down all the pins with one or two bowls.
17. We were bowling along at about 90 miles per hour.
18. I've never tried bowling before, but I thought I'd give it a shot.
19. Bowling Suppers: Office Parties, youth clubs etc.
20. The fast bowling tactic has worked.
21. He swept past McAggott, bowling him from his feet.
22. Local Activities: walks, golf, fishing, horse-riding, bowling.
23. I go bowling for relaxation.
24. Downstairs is a Tyrolean-style bowling alley and cellar bar.
25. The incident happened near the bowling greens.
26. Other sporting activities available include: mini golf and bowling.
27. Gabby came bowling down Jim's driveway in a truck.
28. They used to go bowling together.
29. After her husband Ivor's death in 1976, she rediscovered the joys of bowling and golf.
30. He never gives in and that's half the battle in fast bowling.
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