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Slush in a sentence

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Sentence count:71+3 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-02-23Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: lushflushslugslumpslumbersluggishtranslucentusherMeaning: [slʌʃ]  n. partially melted snow. v. 1. make a splashing sound 2. spill or splash copiously or clumsily. 
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1. There was dirty brown slush all over the roads and pavements.
2. A pair of wide tracks led through the slush and mud.
3. Her novels are full of sentimental slush.
4. The snow had turned to slush.
5. Children were sliding around in the snow and slush.
6. He used his party's slush fund to buy votes in the election.
7. A legless beggar pulled himself along through the slush on wooden slats.
8. Two unsightly slush machines mar the ambience, and tacky little bowls of pretzels are strewn throughout.
9. Everything had melted into brown slush within a few hours.
10. Outside there was snow and slush along the streets and sidewalks.
11. It also stated that Stans maintained a secret slush fund of cash in his office totaling at least $ 350, 000.
12. He's accused of misusing $17.5 million from a secret government slush fund.
13. Becker's eyes were as cold and grey as the slush on the pavements outside.
14. In the city the clean white snow had turned to grey slush.
15. This impressed me,[] for there is nothing more penetrating than snow and slush.
16. Semi-conscious, he slid slowly down, his feet and legs sinking into the freezing slush at the bottom.
17. It could be cherry blossom petals or autumn leaves or slush and snow.
18. And it is this money which can be channelled, undetected, into the slush funds via foreign banks.
19. A few stalls stood uncovered and some brave souls made their way through the ankle-deep, mucky slush.
19. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
20. With legs slowly turning to jelly, I skied down hard, icy snow, followed by spring snow, then slush.
21. Then I remember that time when the tent blew down in the snowstorm and his sleeping bag went in the slush.
22. This is a love story, with a lot more going for it than slush and mush.
23. They claim the expulsions were a cover-up bid after they tried to expose a slush fund run by crooked officials.
24. Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slushDoug Larson 
25. Sprinkle the minimum amount of salt needed to lower the freezing point of water from slippery ice to safer mushy slush.
26. He is on trial for accepting kickbacks from business moguls to build his slush fund.
27. A tall blond man wearing a greatcoat was standing by the glass reception doors, stroking rain and slush from his sleeves.
28. But it wasn't cold enough to settle. After a whole day there was just a thin layer of muddy slush.
29. He put a tentative arm up; instantly one pulled over, in a rolling wave of black slush.
30. After a whole day there was just a thin layer of muddy slush.
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