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Bounded in a sentence

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Sentence count:239+8Posted:2016-12-19Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: foundedconfoundedsurroundedfundedboundboundaryabound infounderMeaning: [baʊnd]  adj. having the limits or boundaries established. 
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(31) Religion was thought to be bounded within these churches.
(32) World history was bounded by these two events.
(33) Bounded rationality is a weak form of rationality.
(34) The terriers bounded along ahead on their short legs.
(35) Large animals, drinking, bounded back into the undergrowth, blinded by our lights.
(36) The Apollonian Gasket, attributed to Apollonius of Perga, is bounded by three large circles tangent two by two.
(37) It was an easy shot, but as I heard the bullet strike he bounded away.
(38) How does the machine tell whether or not such a sequence remains bounded?
(39) The courtyard was bounded by a range of cloisters two storeys high.
(40) When the nine pins were in place, Brown joined up the perimeter of the area they bounded.
(41) The hedgehogs could hear its tremendous feet crunching through the weeds as it bounded away.
(42) We shall see that decision-makers tend to reach decisions on the basis of bounded rationality.
(43) I watched him as he bounded up a flight of narrow concrete steps and banged his fists on a shabby door.
(44) Generally the objective is simply to balance the pole, which is attached to a cart running on a bounded track.
(45) A wolf bounded into the place of tents, stopped and straightened like a man.
(46) Where I live at present is bounded by two rivers and is quite close to the sea.
(46) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
(47) And at the same time their influence must be bounded by other, dominant ISAs.
(48) The broomstick bounded forward and soon left the rooks behind.
(49) Our knowledge is bounded by our ideas, and extends only so far as they are ideas of real essences.
(50) The one-acre garden at Fenton is a surprisingly large oasis of peace, bounded by high walls.
(51) Humans are bounded by such principles as much as are other living organisms.
(52) Sammy bounded on ahead and gave a loud bark at the nag.
(53) Bill Dailey, 54, a bartender at the downtown Radisson Hotel, also bounded back from a massive stroke.
(54) Its owner bounded off through the tall grass trying to catch it.
(55) This explains those tiny hillside pens bounded by rock walls.
(56) He bounded over to the chest containing the strange white powder.
(57) Others would see the acceptance of this bounded walking environment as timid and pusillanimous.
(58) Mrs Mallory stepped out of the doctor's into the sunlight and bounded down the hill, scarcely able to contain her glee.
(59) When the young worker's social world was bounded by his village such considerations did not matter.
(60) Like a family, we are bounded by history, duty, love and mandatory interaction.
More similar words: foundedconfoundedsurroundedfundedboundboundaryabound infounderby leaps and boundsround and roundmindedbouncebountyextendedsuspendedundividedreprimandedapprehendedroundwoundsoundunderaroundgroundcompoundall roundsound offround upexpoundround off
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