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Barrel in a sentence

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Sentence count:262+12Posted:2016-07-19Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: barrelfulbblcaskdrumgun barrelSimilar words: quarrel withbarelybarrierarrestembarrassedcorrelationbarebarMeaning: ['bærəl]  n. 1. a tube through which a bullet travels when a gun is fired 2. a cylindrical container that holds liquids 3. a bulging cylindrical shape; hollow with flat ends 4. the quantity that a barrel (of any size) will hold 5. any of various units of capacity. v. put in barrels. 
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(151) Mr Preston favours sheep droppings matured in a barrel and diluted to the colour of weak tea!
(152) Shot after shot puffs out of the barrel, knocking dust all around the buck.
(153) The cylinders, it was claimed, were designed to be fitted together to form the barrel of a giant 40-metre gun.
(154) At 30 dollars a barrel we have a total annual fuel cost of 4. 82 billion dollars.
(155) The actor has the studio over a barrel - if they want to keep him, they have to pay him more money.
(156) The ceiling is in brick, formed in groined vaults with barrel vaulted bays.
(157) After that, panic ... He was shouting, the door is opened, somebody puts a rifle barrel through the window.
(158) Like looking down a barrel at the fairground and watching the boy fall behind a row of ducks.
(159) The Romanesque is of Transitional type, with wide pointed arches and barrel vault, a clerestory but no triforium.
(160) Hardly a barrel of laughs but it might raise a few smiles.
(161) It looked as if the rock had flowed around the pistol, curling strands of stone that gripped the barrel and the trigger-guard.
(162) The other four domes are supported in a like manner and short barrel vaults connect one dome to another.
(163) To fire the blunderbuss use the large teardrop-shaped flame template to represent the spread of shot from the gun's barrel.
(164) By accepting it, the world is not taking on Western civilization lock, stock and barrel: far from it.
(165) One of my mess-mates was killed by a beer barrel, of all things.
(166) People crowded around[], and the awful truth came out: the barrel wasn't as full as it should have been.
(167) One of the focal points of the model is the lion's head which surrounds the barrel.
(168) In his right hand he held the barrel of a Kalashnikov rifle, its wooden butt resting on the roadway.
(169) Align Helblaster on target and measure range. 2. Roll the artillery dice for each barrel you wish to fire.
(170) He fired again, and felt the lesser kick which told him the ball had only lodged half-way down the barrel.
(171) A typewriter was as individual as a fingerprint, or a set of teeth, or a gun barrel scoring a bullet.
(172) Part of the time I feel the point of the barrel jabbing at my neck.
(173) Rather than waste unwanted vintages they are sold at a huge discount straight from the barrel - the resulting parties are superb fun.
(174) Oil prices then settled back to $ 17. 15 per barrel.
(175) That morning he had bought a whole barrel of Gunpowder Pepper from one of the human victuallers.
(176) This is known as the politics of the pork barrel.
(177) He sighted the barrel of his pistol at Caruso again.
(178) A net margin increase of over 50 cents a barrel contributed to this good short-term performance.
(179) You have them over a barrel on this issue, with all the right on your side.
(180) He sat on one of the barrel tombs near the Lazarus Tree and began to smoke a cigarette.
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