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Baggage in a sentence

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Sentence count:237+16Posted:2016-10-21Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: luggageSimilar words: haggardengageengagedgarbageengage inmortgageengaged inengagementMeaning: ['bægɪdʒ]  n. 1. a case used to carry belongings when traveling 2. a worthless or immoral woman 3. the portable equipment and supplies of an army. 
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91. Baggage Condition 2 also requires that the transport company, authority or hotel should have been notified in writing.
92. Being abused as a child, she brings a lot of baggage into the marriage.
93. There is hi-tech glass and lighting, cute little passport kiosks and a tapered rubber ramp to baggage reclaim.
94. Up behind the engine, two baggage handlers were loading a small pile of boxes.
95. Curiously, tourists arrive with piles of baggage but not enough clothes.
96. See if you can get some compensation from the airline for your lost baggage.
97. Currently the data sets on suspect baggage are saved and used for future improvements on the system.
98. Three couples had already been seen leaving the hotel with baggage.
99. There was truth in that, but not what the silly old baggage was thinking.
100. And now the old baggage was twisting everything; building something out of nothing.
101. The walkways led to customs checks where there were never any lines and baggage claims where the bags were always waiting.
102. For the security of passengers, all hand baggage is carefully checked.
103. When you had those you could drop, junk and forget the rest, which were only a burden or excess baggage.
104. A Soviet soldier with a submachine gun checked each person and his or her baggage.
105. Margot Fonteyn tours with hardly any baggage, just one black suit.
106. Guilt, shame, and poor self-esteem are part of the emotional baggage of work-inhibited boys.
107. A great range of waiting-rooms, offices, restaurants, baggage rooms, and a post office were supplied within.
108. Maisha and Tiger meet us outside baggage claim, and Maisha is looking terrific as usual.
109. A lay brother let us in through a postern gate where others took care of our horses and baggage.
110. Massive baggage trains enabled rapid troop movement by the Frankish army without repeated foraging.
110. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
111. If I were going to transport priceless jewels in checked baggage, he thought, I would try to conceal them somehow.
112. No money ever left the federal coffers without carrying a baggage of conditions, guidelines, and restrictions.
113. After baggage and passport checks, passengers are individually quizzed by interrogators.
114. Mr Hashimoto carries his share of baggage from the old political order.
115. But Jimmy and the older children were locked in a windowless baggage car, and their excitement soon turned to tedium.
116. Anyone caught Cleaning Fish on Picnic Tables gets thrown out bag baggage.
117. The upper deck comprised the flight cabin and baggage holds and the lower was the passenger deck.
118. What if Penry took one look at her and threw her out, bag and baggage?
119. There will be an additional charge for any extra baggage.
120. Swissair offers a telephone check-in facility for first and business class passengers with hand baggage.
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