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Keeper in a sentence

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Sentence count:156+4 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-03-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: custodianstewardSimilar words: keepkeep offdeepenkeep outkeep upkeep tokeep onkeep awayMeaning: ['kɪːpə(r)]  n. 1. someone in charge of other people 2. one having charge of buildings or grounds or animals. 
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1. An old poacher makes the best keeper
2. He found a job as a keeper.
3. The England keeper revealed some fancy footwork in the victory over Nottingham Forest.
4. Bob is head lion keeper at the zoo.
5. The gate - keeper demanded my business.
6. The lion bemauled its keeper.
7. He steered a shot between the keeper and the near post.
8. In soccer(, only the goal - keeper may play the ball with his hands.
9. Keeper Judge never touched him let alone trip him.
10. Demitros is the zoo's head gorilla keeper.
11. In 1544 Cawarden became keeper of the tents.
12. The Swifts keeper, Patterson, saved well from Woods, who later missed a good opportunity to put the Olympic ahead.
13. This time the keeper made a hash of a back pass from Brown.
14. Keeper went everywhere with her - I think Emily loved that dog more than any person.
15. The Regius Keeper should appoint a Committee which would review the collection, recommend new purchases, and supervise hanging.
16. The Stamford Bridge faithful turned on the keeper and jeered him until after the players had left the pitch.
17. In 1240 Edward succeeded his father as keeper of the king's works at Westminster, which then chiefly concerned the palace.
18. The Keeper of the Shrine of Asuryan plucked out his eyes but even this did not stop the terrible visions.
19. I'm not Janey's keeper.
20. But the stall keeper refused to change it and was very nasty to her.
21. The CEO could be considered the keeper of the company's assets.
22. The keeper at the porter's lodge wouldn't let me in.
23. I think we can expect our keeper to have a good game always(, with exceptional games often enough.
24. Anglers are required to obtain prior authorization from the park keeper.
25. United scored just before half-time when Adcock cleverly chipped the ball over the keeper.
26. So basically your team would have the 11 starters, 1 reserve keeper, and 6 outfield players.
27. The red card was rescinded but only after the keeper had been forced to endure several days of shame and regret.
28. Women were bound to absolute obedience to their Promise Keeper husbands and fathers.
29. Then, in the 71st minute, he took the ball clear of keeper Ludek Miklosko before netting again.
30. In an act of admirable but ultimately misguided loyalty, the national coach Andy Roxburgh stood by his dispirited keeper.
More similar words: keepkeep offdeepenkeep outkeep upkeep tokeep onkeep awaykeep downkeep mumkeep out ofkeep backkeep fromkeep up withkeep in mindkeep clear ofhousekeepingkeep an eye onkeep in touchkeep pace withkeep abreast ofkeep company without of keeping withkeep in touch withkeep a straight facekeenkeelrepelrepentdepend
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