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Associative in a sentence

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Sentence count:117Posted:2017-04-14Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: associationfree associationassociateassociatedappreciativesocial classsocializationpalliativeMeaning: adj. characterized by or causing or resulting from the process of bringing ideas or events together in memory or imagination. 
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91 Halogenide anions can associate strongly with coal molecules by acid -base interactions, and destruct the associative structure of coal enhancing the extraction yields of coal in organic solvents.
92 You'll also find some simplifications from C, which include string concatenation, associative array elements, and aggregation operators.
93 You will take advantage of this by implementing your state table as a two-dimensional associative array of functions.
94 General results on centroids of Lie triple systems are developed. Centroids of the tensor product of a Lie triple system and a unital commutative associative algebra are studied.
95 The associative type thickener can produce better coating bulk, coverage and less printing mottle. cost saving in capital investment and make down process.
96 Make a real-time correction on Shifosi flood forecasting results using the associative memory comprehensive correction mode, which is based on real-time input data and historic data.
97 Associative meaning lies on the bottom layer and it conveys intuitive and aesthetic meaning.
98 Enhancing the associative learning was an effective method for rehabilitative therapy for the complication.
99 Two criteria reducibility of presentations of finite dimensional associative algebras are presented.
100 Here we have used the associative law or the cancellation law for multiplication, which are satisfied for natural numbers, now we assume they are satisfied with fraction numbers.
101 Associative learning theory has been used in studies of memory, learning, and verbal learning.
101 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
102 Describe the differences between an associative container and a sequential container.
103 A associative ring R is called a regular ring if every left principle ideal of it is generated by an idempotent.
104 Tian Hengshan 72 meters above sea level, Southeast and Dans associative, rock was also red ocher, belongs to the Sinian ferruginous quartzite.
105 In this paper we propose a new discrete bidirectional associative memory (DBAM) which is derived from our previous continuous linear bidirectional associative memory (LBAM).
106 An associative function is one in which one object is associated with another by a relationship.
107 The associative containers share many operations with the sequential containers.
108 Based on these two models, we propose an associative search algorithm for fault diagnosis and apply it to a control system. At last, the simulation results are given out.
109 By studying the functional properties of index expressions of array elements in FORTRAN DO-loops, a new algorithm, called the associative function algorithm, is developed.
110 In this paper, we discussed some key application problems of shape recognition system based on associative memory neural network.
111 Associative containers support efficient lookup and retrieval by a key.
112 And from a behaviorist point of view this is because of the associative history of these things.
113 Associative learning is often the result of conditioning(, which also has two main types.
114 Modified Multi-valued Exponential Correlation Associative Memory Model (MMECAM) is a neural network with higher storage capacity.
115 Associative learning occurred when the parasitoids fed on the host or honey and smelled the odors from branches of pine or fir at the same time.
116 A associative scheme is most flexible but too costly for implementation.
117 Using the different steps of the multi-step output function to store different values of pixels, the CNN associative memory of gray-scale patterns is realized.
More similar words: associationfree associationassociateassociatedappreciativesocial classsocializationpalliativeinitiativesocialsociallysocial security administrationsociablesocialismsocializesocializedsocial workantisocialunsociablesocial servicessocial contractsocial democracysocial insurancelegislative assemblyutopian socialismsocialist economysocial responsibilityemaciationenunciationassertive
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