Synonym: accounts, capital, goods, property, throng, wealth. Similar words: assert, assess, assembly, assemble, passenger, assessment, embarrassed, vessel. Meaning: ['æset]
n. a useful or valuable quality.

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211. But it has kept long-term bond yields lower than they were in January, despite a fresh lurch towards US deficit financing, while forcing up asset prices and pressing investors to take on more risk.
212. Changing petroleum reserves into asset is very important to asset restructuring of petroleum enterprises.
213. Against such background, this paper centers on the study of asset replacement decision.
214. Gorbachev saw Russia's shadow economy as an asset he could build upon.
215. The smaller the number the more capital is required for a given amount of sales. Also known as Asset Turnover.
216. State asset's legal adjustment is the important issue which modern any country must face. Solves the state asset outflow problem, is a reform process, is also a institutional innovations process.
217. Democratic leaders in Congress and the President-elect Obama's transition team have already begun to carve up the remaining $350 billion in rescue funds leaving little for asset purchases.
218. An expectation the entity will sell or otherwise dispose of a long-lived asset significantly before the end of its previously estimated useful life.
219. Using monthly return data, Figure 3 shows the growth of a $1 investment in the various asset classes starting in 1970.
220. But, there are many problems in the course of processing asset depreciation, such as, lack of correlative data, difficult to make clear the net realizable value of stocked goods and so on.
221. I have excellent problem-solving skills and feel that, if given the opportunity, I would be an immediate as well as a long-term asset to your firm.
222. This creates path-independent market evolution, because the belief is that markets are instantaneously efficient and reflect all information in current asset prices.
223. For the rebels, air superiority will be the key in massing enough ground forces to take the capital of Tripoli. For Qaddafi, it is the most lethal asset at his disposal to retain power.
224. Over the entire life of the asset, however, both the straight-line method and accelerated methods recognize the same total amount of depreciation.
225. Article 16 In calculating the depreciation of a leased asset, the lessee should adopt a depreciation policy for leased assets consistent with that for depreciable assets which are owned by the lessee.
226. Cash - rich Chinese companies are on a buying spree again, hoping to advantage of low asset prices.
227. James sees particular opportunities in credit investing. Blackstone's credit asset manager, GSO Capital, has about $20 billion of assets under management.
228. The result of regression shows that value of listed companies is positively correlated with asset and liability rate and yield of asset, and is negatively correlated with the ration of floating stock.
229. British Major Fraud Inspectorate spokesman said Mubarak is being launched in the UK asset tracking, once in Egypt, the United Nations or the European Union ordered, it will freeze them.
230. The inevitable levering of asset structures to double or quadruple returns relative to risk-free assets?
231. The futures contracts outstanding must be settled by delivery of the underlying asset or by cash on the last trading day.
232. Demonstrating four innovated products of the Personal Financing Business of Commercial bank of China: Trust, Asset Securitization, China Depository Receipt, Collateralized Debt Obligation.
233. What admirers say Messier's greatest asset is what's known in Hollywood as chutzpah.
234. This paper attempts to explain the cause of the volatility in asset prices. The key element in our explanation is the differential cost of internal and external funds that investors face.
235. More and more loans turn sour as asset prices fall and businesses fail; that in turn saps banks' capital, forcing further credit contraction.
236. There are the rooted reason that is incomplete laws and rules and the direct reason that is information asymmetry , being lack of owner of state asset and lower status of small stockers and workers.
237. An accounting convention designed to emulate the cost or expense associated with reduction in value of an asset due to wear and tear, deterioration, or obsolescence over a period of time.
238. It will focus on the valuation of assets in these markets, the empirical evidence on asset valuation models, and strategies that can be employed to achieve various investment goals.
239. They are classified on the balance sheet as a current asset .
240. How to tackle the non-performing asset is a hard nut to crack for bank industry all over the world.
More similar words: assert, assess, assembly, assemble, passenger, assessment, embarrassed, vessel, dessert, essence, set, depressed, set out, set off, upset, set up, essentially, closet, settle, set down, set about, set back, set forth, set free, setting, set aside, set apart, settle for, settle down, set fire to.