Synonym: ambitiousness, aspiration, dream. Similar words: ambitious, exhibition, prohibition, combination, edition, position, addition, tradition. Meaning: [æm'bɪʃn] n. 1. a cherished desire 2. a strong drive for success. v. have as one's ambition.
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211. Carolyn Rutherford says McGuinness has given her a whole new area of thought about her ambition to become a midwife.
212. Personal ambition was doubtless another factor which tended to enmesh ecclesiastics in politics.
213. Because if you don't a fresh ambition or optimistic plan will fall flat on its face.
214. Bruce was a short, stocky man with red hair and a burning ambition.
215. Both books, written out of what had gradually become a burning ambition, were however nothing more than starters.
216. Having lost his northern provinces, he does not hide his ambition to re-establish his gruesome tyranny over them.
217. The male has fulfilled his ambition of bigamy at the expense of a female.
217. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
218. Unlike Wellington, Harriett was a political animal through and through, whose ambition was that her men should succeed.
219. Chun was coy only about his ambition for the presidency, and then only to preserve the formalities.
220. My main ambition is to play something magical on the piano.
221. Is that ambition functioning at a high level or is it just a sense of obligation or is it idealism?
222. Maria Aznar, fulfilled his long-standing ambition to win promotion to the status of a large medium-sized country.
223. But her unflagging ambition more than made up for her shortcomings.
224. Indeed, it has even become fashionable for women to choose dependency by repudiating ambition and gainful employment once they have children.
225. Part of the problem is that the movie presents a heroine primed with empty ambition, but makes no comment on it.
226. This experience shaped the political ambition that led ultimately to his coup of 23 July 1952.
227. MacArthur was spurred on by a strong sense of destiny and ambition.
228. But her annoyance over the pictures could not distract Catherine from her latest - and biggest - ambition.
229. Dayton is a young Gentleman of talents, with an ambition to exert them.
230. This ambition was encouraged by the magicians, soothsayers and necromancers who clustered at the Imperial Court.
231. Whether they had much bearing on the ambition of Otto and his successors to be emperors may be doubted.
232. By then fired by an ambition to go all the way, he turned professional.
233. Yet it really happened and I deeply appreciate his articulation of my greatest ambition as a baker.
234. This is not great news for Norquist, whose ambition is a Reagan memorial in each of the country's 3,067 counties.
235. Or will his lack of ambition drive you to distraction?
236. But the shamelessness of her ambition was nothing compared with Farin a's.
237. It is always a dream of greatness, not simply an ambition to succeed.
238. Get driven into your ambition, pursue your goals passionately and you will see your dreams come alive. Dr Roopleen
239. The dinner menu feels more free-ranging in its ambition and scope.
240. Eric wasn't particularly intelligent but he had plenty of ambition.
More similar words: ambitious, exhibition, prohibition, combination, edition, position, addition, tradition, coalition, munitions, condition, additional, litigation, in addition, transition, competition, conditions, definition, expedition, composition, mitigation, opposition, traditional, practitioner, recognition, acquisition, in addition to, traditionally, predisposition, unconditionally.