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Alter in a sentence

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Sentence count:275+6Posted:2016-07-19Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: changedeviatediversifymodifyvaryAntonym: conservepreserveSimilar words: alternativefiltershelterfilteringsveltehealthwealthpenaltyMeaning: ['ɔːltə]  v. 1. cause to change; make different; cause a transformation 2. make or become different in some particular way, without permanently losing one's or its former characteristics or essence 3. make an alteration to 4. insert words into texts, often falsifying it thereby 5. remove the ovaries of. 
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(181) This would drastically alter the emphasis of most campaign fund-raising operations and increase the ability of individuals to affect the outcomes.
(182) He was not much closer to Belafonte, whose alter ego he played in the show.
(183) She could not believe that the typhoon winds of change could alter our family.
(184) To alter the margins, headers and footers, and other details select Page Setup.
(185) When this new creation is shown to a human, it might then extend or alter his ideas.
(186) Both single large doses and fractionated doses of radiation have been shown to alter small intestinal motility in animals.
(187) In so doing, they alter the shape of the repressor so that it can no longer bind to the operator region.
(188) Neither man had time to conceal or alter his facial expression, and Rostov was struck by the disparity.
(189) The border was closed, and they were forced to alter their plans.
(190) Even the magic word processor can not solve the problem of afterthoughts, which are likely to alter a complete structure.
(191) Yet none of the fathers portrayed thus far has actually had to dramatically alter his work life in order to father.
(192) Try to alter her flight and go home tomorrow? Seek alternative accommodation somewhere,( via the local tourist board maybe?
(193) Schools may feel powerless to alter a situation in which wider economic and political forces have such a crucial influence.
(194) However, a planning authority can, through its development plans and decisions, alter the character of a neighbourhood.
(195) Only at w *; will firms and households be unwilling to alter their realized behaviour.
(196) He can not alter a departmental decision or award compensation but may suggest an appropriate remedy to the appropriate Minister.
(197) The following illustrates how these ideas might alter a conversation with Miles.
(198) An organization typically needs only to alter the balance of fears and beliefs that lay at the core of its decision-making processes.
(199) But they do not alter the basic fact: markets now operate more fluently, reliably and consistently.
(200) By manipulation of the tomato's genetic blueprint, scientists can alter the rate at which it ripens.
(201) But the channels may alter the water drainage pattern in the dry area and help to rejuvenate it, he said.
(202) Training on word processing is useful to edit precedents, alter work outside office hours and to type confidential memos.
(203) When we gather together in Church on christmas Day around the alter with the priest we are full of joy.
(204) Imposing such a burden would alter the basic structure between state and federal governments, which is critical to our constitutional scheme.
(205) If you alter something you have written on a cheque, you must initial the change.
(206) The dateline doesn't alter the rules of engagement in the real world.
(207) Little Miss Fogerty was in considerable awe of Miss Watson, but a burglary was to alter their relationship.
(208) You can not do that for her, can not alter her frame of mind.
(209) The greatest discovery of my generation is that man can alter his life simply by altering his attitude of mind. William James 
(210) Nor should we ever underestimate the capacity of old people to alter life-long patterns of interaction when need arises.
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