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Altar in a sentence

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Sentence count:295+9Posted:2017-02-13Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: Lord's tablecommunion tableSimilar words: poll taxexultantvoltaireconsultantconsultationsimultaneouslysalthaltMeaning: ['ɔːltə]  n. 1. the table in Christian churches where communion is given 2. a raised structure on which gifts or sacrifices to a god are made. 
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181. Dhani and Ian broke into a run, taking the high altar steps three at a time.
182. When Michael had been an altar boy he had also stolen the lead from the church roof!
183. When she had finished, she allowed her eyes to wander round the area of the altar.
184. She was a child again and she was kneeling at the altar waiting to receive her first Communion.
185. Would he be of one mind at the church altar and of another mind later?
186. Apparently, the Altar Guild had been in to arrange the flowers and had forgotten to lock the side door.
187. Redmire itself is one such spiritual water and is the altar where every devoted carp angler would like to worship.
188. They filled the aisle around the coffin and spilled on to the altar itself.
189. It draws magic power from the War Altar and glows with a green inner light.
190. It is said that he stood before the altar and for a moment the Blade called to him.
191. She wondered about the tall east window above the altar - that would make a fine mess if it fell in.
192. The Cherrys kneel at the altar of the Chili Peppers and bare their bellies for a spot of sacrificing.
193. In some churches the importance of the Laudian altar was further emphasized by the addition of an elaborate new reredos.
194. But then the sun broke through and the field, the altar, the tree, was bathed in a pure light.
195. After the Second Vatican Council, many parishes had begun to allow girls to assist at the altar.
196. It was the altar - stuffed with as much clutter as a belle epoque boudoir - that really made me think.
197. The candles on either side of the altar flickered with the skull-flame in a draught.
198. Because of the large teak frame, Mama Tuyet occupied center stage on the altar.
199. Politicians of every stripe have sacrificed their most sacred principles on the altar of water development.
200. But, through a tawdry heap of bushes, he watched the procession and the bare wooden coffin lifted by altar boys.
201. Among them, candles burned serenely like altar fires.
202. He knelt as a suppliant at the altar.
203. Spit at the altar, where your fire burns.
204. He walked soberly toward the altar.
204. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
205. The altar, as in prehistory, is anywhere you kneel.
206. A sunbeam rests upon the altar.
207. The high priest sacrificed the goat on the altar.
208. " It looks like an altar,'she sniffed.
209. There is also an altar lamp burning whale oil.
210. Adam and Eve built an altar of stones.
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