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Altar in a sentence

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Sentence count:295+9Posted:2017-02-13Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: Lord's tablecommunion tableSimilar words: poll taxexultantvoltaireconsultantconsultationsimultaneouslysalthaltMeaning: ['ɔːltə]  n. 1. the table in Christian churches where communion is given 2. a raised structure on which gifts or sacrifices to a god are made. 
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151. Three interesting features inside are the box pews, the semi-circular altar rail, and the stone lectern dating from Norman times.
152. Donald comforted himself by imagining himself an unwilling Abraham, called upon to sacrifice his sons on the altar of patriotism.
153. There were maybe twenty or twenty-five people kneeling around the altar.
154. Above the altar, however, in place of the religious painting in Dubois's house, was a chillingly small human skull.
155. It had been lying in a back room, removed from its altar position after Lent, Surprenant said.
156. Then we knelt before the altar of the can - and pulled the handle.
157. In addition, the War Altar itself acts as a source of magic power.
158. Suspended from the ceiling just behind the white marble altar, the cross is backed by a swath of deep purple fabric.
159. Finally Theodora came to rest in the Dersingham chapel which formed the south transept looking towards the altar at right angles.
160. At the left of the altar, he reached up and pulled the chain that brought down the attic stairs.
161. After that we made a thorough search of the chapel, its walls, flagstones and altar, but there was nothing.
162. Certainly Snaith Priory was a staging post for pilgrims travelling from Lincoln to York, as recorded on the altar kneelers.
163. Binh and I knelt before the family altar and bowed three times.
164. Inside the church, wreaths and bouquets covered the altar, including a wreath in the shape of a No. 3.
165. In 1106 the remains were all interred near the main altar of the new church.
166. The high Baroque altar with its twisted columns in varied marbles is by members of the Platzer family.
167. As the man reached the floor and stood beside the altar, he turned and gazed out at them.
168. Statues of unknown saints looked gravely down from their alcoves as Jacques and Marie-Christine knelt reverently before the altar.
169. Brandl painted the Holy Family on the main altar and the picture of St Theresa.
170. Behind them three fixed candles like the candles on an altar shone on a wall of living red.
171. Each new king presented himself here with his various dignitaries for a robing ceremony before proceeding to the High Altar.
172. The red sanctuary lamp glowed ahead of them, to the left of the high altar.
173. One night a thief broke into the church to steal jewels from the Madonna on the High Altar.
174. A tiny man, in spite of his title, he was dwarfed by the altar.
174. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
175. The blood sprinkled on the people and on the altar unites the two parties to the agreement.
176. No more than thirty to forty feet away, at the head of the narrow aisle, was the tiny altar.
177. He backed away towards the altar and, as he did so, he looked down at the burning paper.
178. He goes off with the boy for months to a remote meadow, where he builds an altar and prays without cease.
179. An old woman was kneeling at the altar, her hands clasping a rosary.
180. They bob and weave and genuflect before the altar of their own public image.
More similar words: poll taxexultantvoltaireconsultantconsultationsimultaneouslysalthaltpaltrysaltydealtalterfealtyhealthwealthfalteralteredroyaltyexaltedaltogetherpenaltyhealthywealthyaltruismalteringalthoughalter egocasualtyaltitudeappeal to
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