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Adventurer in a sentence

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Sentence count:62Posted:2017-04-27Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: explorerventurerSimilar words: adventureadventurousadventuristventureventuresomeventure capitalventure capitalistadventMeaning: [-tʃərə]  n. 1. a person who enjoys taking risks 2. someone who travels into little known regions (especially for some scientific purpose). 
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(31) A philosophy of life: I'm an adventurer, looking for treasure.
(32) There was about him nothing of the adventurer, nor any suggestion of the field of battle.
(33) I'm more of a freewheeling adventurer preferring to travel in the mountains all by myself.
(34) Conservationist and adventurer Rick Ridgeway and photographer Joe Riis have set out to document "This Year's Migration".
(35) Simon Mann, who goes on trial in Equatorial Guinea today, is an Old Etonian adventurer who has spent most of his decidedly mixed career in the murky world of special forces and mercenaries.
(36) Global Times special correspondent reported that US first-lady Michelle is a brave and canny adventurer in terms of choosing fashion brand or innovation of clothes style.
(37) In early period of primitive accumulation of capital, Britain was rely on commercial adventurer,( expedition to all over the country to establish a "trade stronghold".
(38) Adventurer: Ok. Here is Lake Itasca, the true source of the Mississippi.
(39) He had been working on a novel inspired by Hungarian adventurer Arminius Vambery who had regaled Stoker with eastern European tales of the blood-hungry living dead.
(40) Information blemish, behavior of the blame reason impulse of adventurer, nearsightedness and anticipate agglutinant etc is foamy of rationality of financial capital blame main contributing factor.
(41) A bold adventurer may sometimes acquire a considerable fortune by two or three successful speculations.
(42) In fiction, the adventurer figure or Picaro may be regarded as a descendant of the knight-errant of Medieval romance.
(43) Four years ago, he started building a deep-sea vehicle, the 8, 000-pound Challenger, for adventurer Steve Fossett, who planned to dive to the bottom of the Marianas Trench.
(44) Searchers say there has been no sign of the millionaire adventurer.
(45) US adventurer Steve Fossett on Sunday launched his balloon from the Western Australian desert in another attempt to become the first to fly a balloon solo around the world.
(46) Your true nature is that of an adventurer, so live like one.
(47) Swiss adventurer Yves Rossy completes two aerial loops using just his custom-made jet-propelled wingsuit.
(48) BURP . Arrggh. Another fancy pants adventurer, come to save us backwater fools.
(49) Jacob had never left his father's room before; he had been a mother's boy and not an adventurer like his brother.
(50) No adventurer of this type ever came to a good end!
(51) When you hear the words, " adventure travel" , perhaps you think ofthe Venetian merchant Marco Polo, the distinguished African explorer David Livingstone[], or North Pole adventurer Robert Peary.
(52) One of the most famous museums on the peninsula is Kon-Tiki which was founded by the famous ethnographer and adventurer Thor Heyerdahl.
(53) Dogmatic and exaggerating, you could be an adventurer or a gambler.
(54) The adventurer was hell - bent on her own way.
(55) This is the difference between me and a real adventurer, a real risk taker.
(56) When you hear the words "adventure travel", perhaps you think of Venetian merchant Marco Polo, the distinguished African explorer David Livingstone, or North Pole adventurer Robert Peary.
(57) Adventurer Steve Fossett (L) and Virgin Atlantic founder Sir Richard Branson celebrate after Fos-sett landed the GlobalFlyer on a runway at Salina, Kansas.
(58) Be a lounge lizard or an extreme adventurer - whatever YOU want to do.
(59) H.E. Mr. Yang Youming, Chinese Ambassador to Trinidad and Tobago, met with Mrs. Kwailan La Borde, a famous Trinidadian sailor and adventurer of Chinese descendent, at his Residence on Feb. 11, 2011.
(60) Lingering Song : ( Complete Adventurer ) This increases the duration of several Bardic music effects, notably Inspire Courage.
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