Synonym: adopt, approve, believe, consent to, decline, refuse, reject. Similar words: acceptable, acceptance, except, concept, inception, except for, access, accent. Meaning: [ək'sept] v. 1. consider or hold as true 2. receive willingly something given or offered 3. give an affirmative reply to; respond favorably to 4. react favorably to; consider right and proper 5. admit into a group or community 6. take on as one's own the expenses or debts of another person 7. tolerate or accommodate oneself to 8. be designed to hold or take 9. receive (a report) officially, as from a committee 10. make use of or accept for some purpose 11. be sexually responsive to, used of a female domesticated mammal.
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(3) We will accept ultimate responsibility for whatever happens.
(4) Do you accept credit cards?
(5) The circumstances forced me to accept.
(6) It would be difficult for us to accept .
(7) Please accept my hearty congratulations upon your marriage.
(8) Never accept lifts from strange men.
(9) Pls accept my sincerest condolences.
(10) The bank refused to accept any mortgage on land.
(11) We aren't gods: we must accept our mortality.
(12) I had no alternative but to accept his offer.
(13) Please accept this small token of my appreciation.
(14) Stop whingeing about the situation and accept it.
(15) I feel that we ought to accept his proposal.
(16) She learned to accept criticism without rancour .
(17) Accept no cheap imitations of our product!
(18) The governor refused to accept Cox's resignation .
(19) If you accept, please let me know.
(20) Accept it or reject it.
(21) Don't just blindly accept what you are told.
(22) we accept the love we think we deserve.
(23) I am happy to accept your invitation.
(24) She said she'd accept $15 for it.
(25) She was learning to accept the inevitability of death.
(26) She refused to accept that there was a problem.
(27) I'm quite willing to accept the consequences.
(28) I can accept failure,but I can't accept not trying.
(29) Lady Caroline was gracious enough to accept our invitation.
(30) Initially the government was unwilling to accept the defeat.
More similar words: acceptable, acceptance, except, concept, inception, except for, access, accent, accede, deceptive, reception, perception, exception, conception, susceptible, apperception, accessible, accelerate, accentuate, soccer, succeed in, keep to, successfully, antiseptic, accuse, surreptitious, vaccine, acclaim, accompany, account.