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Abruptly in a sentence

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Sentence count:260+15Posted:2017-01-24Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: deadshortsuddenlySimilar words: abruptrupturedisruptbankruptinterruptbankruptcycorruptioninterruptionMeaning: [ə'brʌptlɪ]  adv. quickly and without warning. 
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(211) After drifting lower at a sleepy pace for most of the day, the Dow Jones industrial average abruptly lurched into a hair-raising sky dive in the final hour of trading.
(212) He said good-by to Lizzie Connolly, abruptly, at the entrance to night school, and hurried away.
(213) Behind the habitations, the sandstone cliffs rose abruptly to the north and west.
(214) The whole groups of species sometimes falsely appear to have been abruptly developed.
(215) The work on anthrax abruptly ushered in the golden age of medical bacteriology.
(216) Although antidepressants are not habit-forming or addictive, abruptly ending an antidepressant can cause withdrawal symptoms or lead to a relapse.
(217) She broke off abruptly and laughed merrily at her predicament.
(218) Naked feet swished dryly across the planks in the wooden floor and the clang ceased abruptly.
(219) This situation is changing abruptly as wealthy foreign governments and international agribusinesses snatch up large swaths of arable land along the Upper Nile.
(220) Based on analysis in effect factors on vehicle turning or changing lanes abruptly, this dissertation focus on application of state estimation theory on vehicle steering attitude.
(221) Any person abruptly starved shows alterations in intermediary metabolism of protein, carbohydrate, and fat.
(222) Chongqing is in with the world in second handclasp and dialog, rise abruptly quickly.
(223) Correspondingly, financial risks have been enlarged, and financial crimes have abruptly increased.
(224) Turn up the tap, and it abruptly sprays out in a chaotic ( but describable ) torrent.
(225) It can cause dysphoria, tachycardia, orthostatic hypotension, and may abruptly develop into latent schizophrenia.
(226) China abruptly moved to a managed float for the yuan. It was allowed to appreciate by 20% over the next three years before a halt was called during the banking panic of 2008.
(227) In course of study of international container regular ship[], asian independent carrier rises abruptly increasingly.
(228) Their duel continued on these cooled repulsorlift surfaces before ending abruptly on the black sand shores of the lava river.
(229) It was extraordinary to switch over so abruptly into the scene with no forewarning.
(230) And for that reason, this baby boomlet could end abruptly in 2008.
(231) Illness caused by Marburg virus begins abruptly, with severe headache and severe malaise.
(232) Taiyuan Municipal Society for Science and Technology of Labour Protection has risen abruptly out of predicament.
(233) Fake stomach flu during a meeting and need to abruptly leave three or four times.
(234) When the credit markets collapsed in 2007, the leveraged buyout boom abruptly ended, leaving damage.
(235) He flips a switch. A "rat-a-tat-tat" sound, like that of a staple gun, echoes through his helmet, and fatigue abruptly flees his mind.
(236) To eject or discharge abruptly, especially to discharge ( semen ) in orgasm.
(237) Rather, it was stopped. Abruptly the near side of it flattened as though it had run up against an invisible wall. It bounced , actually bounced back.
(238) And then , abruptly, he beamed at Henry with a fatherly genial air, incredibly counterfeit.
(239) At the time Baker's essay was published, the editor in chief of Harper's was Roger Hodge, who was abruptly relieved of his post earlier this year.
(240) Murphy was scheduled for several mainstream media television interviews after the CFTC hearings, but they were all abruptly cancelled at once.
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