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Abruptly in a sentence

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Sentence count:260+15Posted:2017-01-24Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: deadshortsuddenlySimilar words: abruptrupturedisruptbankruptinterruptbankruptcycorruptioninterruptionMeaning: [ə'brʌptlɪ]  adv. quickly and without warning. 
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(181) EXAMPLE: Since sales are down and several departments in our company have been closed abruptly, there is a widespread disquietude among our employees.
(182) " To collect what's left over ,'smiled Wu Sun - fu , his look of despondency vanishing abruptly.
(183) When the calm flowing water of the Zambezi River encounters the 5, 578-foot-wide (1, 700-meter-wide) edge of the Victoria Falls gorge, it abruptly plunges 328 feet (100 meters) to the bottom.
(184) The paper points out that the loss coefficient tends to increase abruptly when the hood inlet Mach number attains a certain magnitude.
(185) Blowback ejects much of the gas from the galaxy, star formation abruptly slows, and accretion onto the black hole declines —until another merger occurs.
(186) What is certain is that the world's largest insurer was abruptly separated from the world's most experienced risk manager at the worst possible moment.
(187) During this time the read clock will abruptly speed-up or slow-down to avoid an overflow or underflow condition.
(188) So, even if you followed the advice in the preceding section and appear to have achieved steady-state performance, you need to be aware that performance could abruptly change.
(189) However, the increment of gate leakage current increases abruptly after the soft breakdown.
(190) The parameters of non-destructive testing, such as dielectric loss factor, capacity and the voltage at which the charging current increases abruptly, are measured in the different aging stage.
(191) We had an extraordinarily high price-to-earnings ratio representing a lot of optimism in the '20s for the stock market and then it corrected and went abruptly downward-- that was The Great Depression.
(192) Clinical features. Illness caused by Marburg virus begins abruptly, with severe headache and severe malaise.
(193) Abruptly, Claire broke off with Salinger and married a young blue - suit from the Harvard Business School.
(194) My son's team lost that quarterfinal game, and their undefeated season ended abruptly.
(195) The hardware safety precautions should pay attention to the power supply abruptly lose, equipment failure and thieve , along with set up vigorous firewall.
(196) Muzzle - Medium length, rounded on upper side to fall away abruptly below eyes.
(197) Balding candidate abruptly excused himself . Returned to office a few minutes later wearing a hairpiece.
(198) But, why does symbolistic thinking means rise abruptly so quickly? 40 thousand years ago, inchoate modern also lives in Asia, the Near East and African area.
(199) Mayo wound up with a black eye, and the reception abruptly came to a halt.
(200) Drop shot: A stroke that causes the ball to fall abruptly after clearing the net.
(201) Throughout the past, the magnetic polarity of the Earth has abruptly flipped and is evident in the orientation of magnetic minerals in some rocks.
(202) The mood changes abruptly after six or seven bars of wayward decrescendo.
(203) It was a fearfully dispiteous fact; the demon of illness attacked the humankind for another time, Xiaohong, an amiable young girl, passed away because of a paroxysmal illness, abruptly and abidingly.
(204) He got up abruptly and tried to see himself in the dirty looking - glass over the wash - stand.
(205) The man was awakened abruptly by a nightmare in the dark room , who had lost his memory for ages. His memory was activated in a momentary time. He sat in bed hearing rat-a-tat of his heartbeat.
(205) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
(206) In 1994, President Clinton abruptly halted the nation's three-decade open-door policy for Cuban refugees.
(207) However, risk limits tighten abruptly when the firm's net worth declines below an endogenously determined threshold.
(208) Corolla sympetalous, tube gradually dilated, usually 6-keeled in middle portion, then constricted abruptly to a neck and expanded to a clavate tip, lobes reflexed.
(209) Then abruptly the road swept down into a small, sheltered basin where a dozen farm buildings in cream weatherboard topped by red, corrugated iron roofs, were scattered on the land.
(210) " 21 centuries " : You how does avant-courier of look upon eye look the situation that rise abruptly, how be faced as the light?
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