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Abate in a sentence

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Sentence count:64+1Posted:2016-09-12Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: curtaildecreasedo away withlessenmoderateput an end toreducestopAntonym: augmentincreaseraiserisestrengthenSimilar words: unabateddebateabandona bad eggdatabasehave a ballbatcombatMeaning: [ə'beɪt]  v. 1. make less active or intense 2. become less in amount or intensity. 
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31 This kind of phenomenon belongs to blame nature to drop hair, caused cause may be as a result of scalp feculent , pore jams, blood capillary function is abate wait.
32 Methods The density surveillance was conducted by the spoon method, and 10% beta-cypermethrin and 1% Abate larvicide were deployed on the spot for larval control.
33 Sterling has recently been strong, which will help to abate inflationary pressures.
34 As the same time, it is considered that the non-risk arbitrage result in the non-arbitrage equilibrium in the stock market which make the size effect gradually abate and disappear.
35 The rain did not abate the crowd's enthusiasm for the baseball game.
36 Nowadays, the OFDM system is widely used in different communication systems. For example, wireless network can abate the multipath effect by using guard interval signal in OFDM system.
37 One , price of paddy, wheaten, corn rises situation is abate, soja price fall.
38 Aim To expand searching field of the seeker of image guided missile, abate searching blind zone and increase probability of target acquisition.
39 Based on the server-based optical network architecture, the dual fiber link and IP calking for Optical Burst Switching (OBS) are proposed to abate the restriction of optical devices.
40 The regulatory climate for money market funds is "punitive, even adversarial," said Joe Abate, money market strategist with Barclays Capital.
41 A group of centrifugal pouring process parameters has also been provided, by which we can greatly abate the specific gravity segregation.
42 Prostate element constituent is unusual, hemal easily outspread, plaque is hemostatic the function is abate, haemorrhage is measured namely grow in quantity.
43 The doctor gave him some medicine to abate the pain.
44 In order to effectively abate the noise of geared pump vibration signal, matching pursuit is introduced for de-noising.
45 The as each country government relaxation on international is control, open of celestial policy carry out, also the obstacle of intromit aviation industry is abate.
45 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
46 Eat sweetmeat to still can make incline to of human body blood acidity more, go against haemal circulation, the defence function of system of abate immunity.
47 M acceptor suppressions and anticholinergic drugs such as anisodamine can abate these symptoms.
48 He will abate part of the price if you ask him to.
49 The abate, motion that we can move according to room wall disappears wait to will be short of blood clearly or straighten with retrorse motion dead place.
50 Also provided a group of dynamic pouring process parameters, by which we can greatly abate the specific gravity segregation.
51 Based on the server-based optical network architecture, the dual fiber link and IP calking for Optical Burst Switching are proposed to abate the restriction of optical devices.
52 The doctor gave him some medicine to abate the powerful pain.
53 Conclusion: by providing body position intervention and using improved posture mat could abate or avoid the headache(, lumbodorsal pain and vomiting for patients undergoing thyroid surgery.
54 It's much more paying to abate a price than to increase it.
55 Insomnia, will look from physiology function, because the inhibition of pallium is abate, it is, and excited action maintains the result in vigorous state however.
56 We abate nothing of our just demands: not one jot or tittle do we recede.
57 His scrupulosity remained his preference to details and his "non-progressive" character allowed his to abate the mania and enthusiasm featuring uniquely that epoch.
58 Conclusion: Treatment of malignant tumor by radiotherapy combined with Sodium Selenite Tablete may abate the radiotherapy reaction and improve the effect of treatment.
59 We must abate the smoke nuisance in our big cities.
60 Objective To probe the nursing method, abate the local side reaction of chemotherapy with doxorubicin.
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