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Ian in a sentence

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Sentence count:209+9Posted:2017-09-21Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: avianpianojovianBrianAsiandianagiantgiants
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91, Ian Barnes, Jessie's cousin, had also gone to Social Services that day and they met by accident.
92, The interview, conducted by Ian Pye, appeared one week before the release of the album.
93, Ian and a friend bagged 90 cod in just two hours in one purple patch.
94, Ian is very likeable and has always had lots of friends.
95, Ian Chivers was third at the top, leading five chasers up to the leaders.
96, Andy Stevenson's powerful strike as half time approached was followed by an injury time free kick from Ian Helliwell.
97, Ian Botham is sometimes represented as breaking new ground for his appearances in pantomime.
98, Ian MacDonald and he had stripped down the old wreck and searched junk yards for spare parts.
99, However, in adult life, Ian finds he can not take criticism.
100, But as Ian goes back to comply Koquillion uses his jewelled weapon to cause an avalanche, sealing up the cave.
101, In 1986, again by a slightly circuitous route, Ian began his own cloning programme at Roslin.
102, Ian Beckett, the deputy chief constable of Surrey, has been cleared of indecently assaulting two female colleagues.
103, Ian stopped at the next house he came to and asked to use the phone.
103, try its best to collect and build good sentences.
104, Reunited with the Doctor, Ian is trying to find another exit from the cave along a narrow ledge above a chasm.
105, It throws into doubt the claim that the call was intercepted by a retired bank manager in Oxfordshire.Ian Maclaren reports.
106, Inspiration Four hamstring operations and two bouts of knee surgery later, Ian Snodin is back and back in central midfield.
107, The motorcyclist, Ian Clague, of Bentley, suffered a broken collar bone.
108, Ian Wright also had food for thought as he made a hasty exit from Arsenal's demoralised dressing room.
109, But there was nothing comfortable about Drago's dramatic 10-9 victory over Ian McCulloch.
110, Judge Geoffrey Jones caused a storm by making the comment at an earlier hearing because Ian Stevenson also admitted assaulting two boys.
111, Many people's good intentions go to pot as Ian Cocking does the work virtually single handed.
112, Ian James walked in during the early hours of the morning and stole a leather jacket and a handbag from the hall.
113, For some time now I have been greatly amused by Ian Wood's column in the back page.
114, Ian Newman has recently obtained his doctorate from Sunderland Polytechnic.
115, Iain Morrison continued to rest his knee injury,( though Ian Corcoran was restored after his ankle strain.
116, Giving the cold shoulder to his usual tipple, Ian Knight raises his coffee cup to Drinkwise Day.
117, In Court their barrister Ian Glen asked for a judicial review.
118, Second placed Sutton also name their most powerful line-up at home to Wavertree, for whom skipper Ian Morley returns.
119, Rangers continued to move forward and four minutes later Ferdinand latched on to a fine chip by Ian Holloway.
120, But this was no time to complicate things by being sidetracked by Ian.
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