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Ian in a sentence

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Sentence count:209+9Posted:2017-09-21Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: avianpianojovianBrianAsiandianagiantgiants
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61, Ian felt a pang of conscience at having misjudged her.
62, Pre-flights complete, Ian lifts crosswind into the hover.
63, Blow on it, Ian - the oatmeal's very hot.
64, Ian Paisley, is one of the most hard-line Unionists.
65, He also converted Ian Jones's try off the touchline.
66, Ian Dobkin, defending, asked for a lenient sentence.
67, Ian was born and bred in Gloucester.
68, See Here is compiled by Ian Buchanan.
69, Ian McKellen's performance, too, had much to commend it.
70, Ian Beale is like an athlete in bed.
71, Ian Pearson, 30, has joined as management accountant.
72, Ian died instantly, Mark escaped with cuts and bruises.
73, Ian never did like public displays of affection.
74, International commodities broker Ian Spiro, 46(Sentencedict), is still missing.
75, 'I've been a complete idiot', grinned Ian.
76, Ian Gilmour and Peter Walker were deeply unhappy.
77, Ian Somerville did the electrical system.
78, Ann Chinket and husband Ian, both 34, deny assault.
79, But it is up front where the experts ply their trade and both Ian Wright and Les Ferdinand are bouncing with confidence.
80, Ian Ferguson will make his comeback with the reserves and Ian Durrant is back from a short holiday on Monday.
81, Ian left the colour to develop for the maximum time of forty minutes under a gentle heat.
82, A mystery woman bombarded Hendry's manager Ian Doyle's Stirling offices with venomous death threats by letter and phone.
83, Hateley instantly exploited the error, rolling the ball back to Ian Ferguson and what followed was hell for defender Sergei Fokine.
84, Of course, he had to tell Ian, and Ian had felt bound to tell Joanna.
85, By using the word man, Ian was paying me a compliment.
86, But Ian Harte had to go after kicking out at Dennis Bergkamp two minutes before half-time.
87, Sir Ian provides an eminently readable and always scholarly account of these very diverse matters.
88, Kevin declared personal bankruptcy in September 1992 and both he and Ian received legal aid.
89, Ian Wilmut, of the Roslin Institute, near Edinburgh, has already accomplished this feat in his second cloned sheep.
90, Robert, Ian and - yes, that heavily made-up blonde was Dawn.
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