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Wade in a sentence

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Sentence count:189+6Posted:2017-03-21Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: Virginia WadeWadeSimilar words: nowadaywaddingnowadayscall a spade a spadehadesshadefadejadeMeaning: [weɪd]  n. English tennis player who won may women's singles titles (born in 1945). v. walk (through relatively shallow water). 
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181. Starting with the granddaddy of video sites, , there's plenty of travel content if you're prepared to wade through the also-rans.
182. Dutchman Michael van Gerwen hit a nine-dart leg on the way to a PDC World Championship semi-final victory over James Wade.
183. Tine says U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon should ask President Wade to reverse his decision because it contravenes the international convention against torture.
184. Rockefeller's grave, and a monument to lawman Eliot Ness, whose ashes were scattered in Wade Pond.
185. Elmwood 's job was to communicate all their hard work on pack, in an engaging and believable way, " said Elmwood account director Sarah Wade."
186. In a company blog entry, Yahoo VicePresident Wade Chambers said the company was joining OpenSocial now because "it's no longer a trial balloon — it's for real."
187. Rhett rose swiftly , deposited Wade in Fanny's lap, and went into the parlor.
188. Evacuees wade through flooded area following heavy monsoon rains in Peshawar on Saturday, July 31, 2010.
189. January 22,1973: The Supreme Court of the United States delivers its decision in Roe v. Wade, legalizing elective abortion in all fifty states.
More similar words: nowadaywaddingnowadayscall a spade a spadehadesshadefadejademadejadedladenevadebladegradetradeadeptpervadereaderloadedinvadefacadeparadegraderdecadetiradeabrademade offade indiademleader
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