Synonym: shadow, tincture, trace. Similar words: vestigial, investigate, investigator, investigation, prestigious, transvestite, tiger, manifest destiny. Meaning: ['vestɪdʒ] n. an indication that something has been present.
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31. They had not a vestige of her sparkling spirit.
32. Every vestige has been swept away.
33. A human being has the vestige of a tail.
34. It was intended to swallow every vestige of dwindling attractiveness out of her.
35. Jetisoning any last vestige of neutrality, China's Foreign Ministry called Friday for the rapid launch of an inclusive political process and economic reconstruction in Libya.
36. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity a vestige of the vox populi now vacant, vanished.
37. Results: The chief presentation of branchiogenic carcinoma was isolated mass existed in the branchial vestige, sometime recurrent nerve involved.
38. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity is a vestige of the vox populi , now vacant, vanished.
39. We find no vestige of a beginning, no prospect of an end.
40. In such a doctrine there is, to my mind, no vestige of comfort or consolation.
41. Any attempt to inflict punitive measure on the iron ore miners would likely damage its steelmills, fall foul of international trade regulations or destroy any last vestige of hope for an annual deal.
42. There is not a vestige of truth in what he says.
43. Or is it just a harmless vestige of some ancient pagan ritual?
44. Some upright stones in wild places are the vestige of ancient
45. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi , now vacant and vanished.
46. How such a dense planet formed is unclear, the researchers say, but it's probably the crystalline vestige of a white dwarf star whose atmosphere was stripped away by the parent pulsar.
47. He has not a vestige of evidence for this assertion.
48. Tell it quickly, nervously , and without a vestige of self - respect.
49. This visage no mere veneer of vanity , is a vestige of vox populi now vacant vanished.
50. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is it vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished.
51. It is the Epictetus who smiles when the last vestige of physical welfare is removed.
More similar words: vestigial, investigate, investigator, investigation, prestigious, transvestite, tiger, manifest destiny, stigma, invest, divest, harvest, instigate, castigate, travesty, investor, vestment, livestock, investment, investment banker, direct investment, testing, question, testify, estimate, destined, majestic, domestic, testimony, celestial.