Similar words: at the thought of, a thought, deep in thought, though, as though, although, even though, thorough. Meaning: n. 1. planning or plotting in advance of acting 2. judiciousness in avoiding harm or danger.

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2) We had had the forethought to book places in advance.
3) He had made the remark completely without forethought.
4) With a little forethought many accidents could be avoided.
5) She was appalled at her own lack of forethought.
6) No one had the forethought to bring a map.
7) He had had the forethought to book in advance.
8) With a little more forethought we could have bought the house we really wanted.
9) I'm glad I had the forethought to make a copy of the letter,[] as proof of what had been promised.
10) Some forethought and preparation is necessary before you embark on the project.
11) A long backpacking trip requires a lot of forethought.
12) Second, his crew scheduling shows little forethought.
13) It is extremely unclear how much forethought went into the selection of Cu Chi as the location for the Division headquarters.
14) But a little forethought will help you avoid the drudgery of mixing, baking and cooking your New Year spread.
15) They had had the forethought to post him in the garden.
16) No, fair do's, it takes a lot of forethought to come up with that one.
17) Perhaps they are just more practised in forethought, especially if they have children.
18) The headstrong impetuous man rushed into things without forethought.
19) Sometimes Darwin's discoveries owed more to fortuity than forethought.
20) Without forethought or provision; unawares.
21) Theresa was struck by her own lack of forethought.
22) Caution: Careful forethought to avoid danger or harm.
23) After some forethought I decided to fly.
24) Prudence is a good thing; forethought is wisdom.
25) The afterthought is good, But forethought is Better.
26) The words had come out without forethought.
27) Using encryption takes a bit of forethought.
28) An empty refrigerator illustrates a lack of forethought.
29) On the following morning a whisky ration, provided by the judicious forethought of Gen.
30) All this is culled from letters from people who had the forethought to record the event.
More similar words: at the thought of, a thought, deep in thought, though, as though, although, even though, thorough, throughout, bought, drought, ought to, brought, thoroughly, come through, more than, through to, not more than, no more than, more than ever, put the cart before the horse, without, method, dough, tough, bough, rough, smooth out, do without, go without.