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Trigger in a sentence

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Sentence count:276+11Posted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: beginfirekindlestarttouch offSimilar words: biggerrefrigeratorintriguedsuggestsuggestionrightoriginfrigidMeaning: ['trɪgə(r)]  n. 1. lever that activates the firing mechanism of a gun 2. a device that activates or releases or causes something to happen 3. an act that sets in motion some course of events. v. 1. put in motion or move to act 2. release or pull the trigger on. 
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211. Based on the system clock and trigger input signals, using FPGA to generate trigger output signals in given working modes.
212. They argue that selling or acquiring stock in a local exploration and production unit in China that owns the assets doesn't represent a change of control or trigger preemption rights.
213. Objective To observe the treatment efficacy of trigger point injection and knife-needle for constrictive flexor digitorum tenosynovitis.
214. It is perfect phase trigger circuit for arc welding power source of SCR.
215. BP Plc objected to proposed legislation that would bar the oil company from operating new drilling leases in U.S. waters, saying it could trigger job losses and threaten the nation's energy security.
216. The design of the pumping source with multichannel surface discharge is introduced, and the trigger principle is analyzed theoretically.
217. Nightfall: This ability can now trigger while the Warlock is sitting.
218. You can also specify your limit price and stop-loss trigger price.
219. There is no return value to enter; in some upcoming steps we'll tell you how to trigger the next state change.
220. An advisory panel had concluded that salt should no longer have a blanket designation as safe, which "would normally trigger F. D. A. action[]," Michael R.
221. This instrument has a rotary encoding and raster and it has a special processing circuit not only eliminating trigger pulse case by noise but also clearing up position accumulates error.
222. "There's usually some kind of trigger point that makes people upgrade, " he said.
223. Sniper Shot: Do you have nerves of steel and a rock steady trigger finger to last through the grueling sniper tournament and prove your worth.
224. Mark's paintings instantly trigger a warped deja vu. His work recalls a parallel universe of 1950s Golden Books and the whimsy of Lewis Carroll.
225. A trigger signal generator based on FPGA is introduced in this article.
226. Starting a common trigger pulse, it can measure 64 event time intervals, and never loses them, which belong to simuta-neous events.
227. The synchronous signal of MC1311 CMOS camera is shaped by monostable trigger 74LS221. The data are stored in AT24C02, protected in the case of electricity loss.
228. The most commonly used trigger flip - flop is the master - slave type with cross feedback.
229. A key trigger for the July 5 riot was indeed such a "disinformation" posting on an international Uyghur internet group by a WUC leader in Germany.
230. Making this small change in the code, all tr.messageRow elements that are on the page will trigger this code when
231. As a very crude approach to reconstructing a scan raster on the TV tube, these pulses can be stripped off and individually utilized to trigger a pair of single sweep generators.
232. Data is transferred from the buffers using the computer interfaces. A trigger input is also provided to externally synchronize data recording.
233. It improves your DPS , but the down side it, your images can't trigger any Bashes.
234. An over the counter urine test kit or a blood test can measure LH (luteinizing hormone) levels, which is the trigger for ovulation and the cause of the subsequent rise in progesterone.
235. The best guess for what might be happening is that patients unwittingly trigger the transient global amnesia by raising the pressure inside their abdomens.
236. The shift trigger pulse of the thyristor trigger circuit with integration amplifier is generated by comparing directly principle of three-phase AC and shift-phase control voltage.
237. Indoor air quality rating and evaluation are based on the researches from the data collected from indoor and the rating and evaluation results will trigger the activities of the Monitor.
238. Remove the reinitialization assignments if you want simply setting the ThinkPad on its side or tilting it and holding it there to trigger a restart.
239. Those so-called drogue chutes are designed to trigger release of the main parachutes, each 35 meters (116 feet) in diameter.
240. The trigger circuit has multifunction, which will satisfy trigger circuit needs and suit two or three and six cannula trigger circuit, but doesn't require phase-sequence.
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