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Translating in a sentence

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Sentence count:148+2Posted:2017-05-02Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: translationmistranslationtranslatetranslatortransmittingtranslucenttranslucenceno man's land
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(121) Currently on sabbatical leave, he is a visiting fellow in the James Madison Program, Department of Politics, Princeton University, translating Montesquieu's Spirit of the Laws.
(122) Without automated transformations, capable of translating our high-level language to the ones and zeros that the machine cares about, our productivity will not improve.
(123) If Party A asks Party B to cease the translation during translating, Party A shall, according to the translated words, pay the translation fees based on the agreed price.
(124) Physical shared memory bus, message translating LAN and copy shared memory network are the main interconnecting technology using in distributed real-time simulation.
(125) Good university education with English as my major combined with practical experience in translating business document...
(126) He was charged with closing Guantanamo Bay, overhauling interrogation rules and translating Obama's high-minded campaign ideals into workable policy.
(127) Symbol execution based on control flow and data flow is described in the translating assembler program into intermediate program.
(128) Translating by oneself with the help of the source language dictionary is the real translation.
(129) Heat pipe is a new type of heat translating device.
(130) Compile time normally consists of translating programs into a machine - independent byte code representation.
(131) This paper introduces what Russia has done in translating and studying contemporary Chinese literature. It also presents some viewpoints and comments made by Russian scholars that has revelational ...
(132) Although the work of translating Chinese classics is challengeable, it's a good way to introduce the Chinese traditional essence to the world.
(132) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(133) Thank you, Steven, for translating our coloring book into Chinese!
(134) Practiced at cabaret manpower resource department, mainly in charger of translating its agendum documents and preparing demo manuscripts for cabaret internal activities.
(135) Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning, and secondly in terms of style.
(136) Deconstructionism exaggerates the translator's role, but it has not proposed any reasoable theory which is useful enough to guide the translating practice.
(137) Full essential condition is given, under which a sequence and its inverse sequence together with their equivalent translating sequences can be used to construct remote-control command code set.
(138) Translating is translating the meaning of the source text ( ST ) into the target text ( TT ).
(139) With ample examples the present paper illustrates the expressive function of linguistic forms and expounds the basic concept of intralingual meaning as well as the necessity of its translating.
(140) Translating these doctrinal innovations into operational plans proved far more difficult.
(141) Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalence of the source-language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style (Eugene A. Nida) .
(142) After weighing over the problem of translating "meaning", the author tries to show that the "meaning" of the original is conveyable, hence an integral notion of e...
(143) Meanwhile,( we also present the translating algorithm of the EBMT system.
(144) With cylindrical coordination, this paper establishes the contour surface equations and pressure angle formula of the conical grooved cam with translating conical roller follower.
(145) From modern times, the "new Chinese" which was created in Japan for translating and introducing western terminologies, constructed a language tool for deriving western culture.
(146) But gaps remain in closing "the last mile" of this research and translating it into practical measures for large-scale impact.
(147) The upsurge of translating Western businessmen's autobiographies in the light of globalization has provided a perfect example of intuitional reference for Chinese local readers.
(148) Due to the great differences between English and Chinese culture, the translator in translating culture-loaded words difficult to find the exact equivalent expression.
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