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Translating in a sentence

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Sentence count:148+2Posted:2017-05-02Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: translationmistranslationtranslatetranslatortransmittingtranslucenttranslucenceno man's land
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(91) In this paper a theorem on translating DHMM into Homogeneous Markov Chain is presented. The theorem offers a method of using Homogeneous Markov Cain which is perfect in theory to study DHMM.
(92) In this paradigm, translating is both a relevance - seeking, ostensive - inferential process and a dynamically - adjusting process.
(93) A translator shouldn't intrude his own opinions into what he's translating.
(94) Therefore, the study on translating culture-loaded words and expressions in literary works should include the study on the translation of both denotative and connotative cultural information.
(95) They also frequently act as "cultural ambassadors," translating for parents and mediating between them and the outside world, says Carola Suarez-Orozco.
(96) METHODS Xenopus leavis females were injected with HCG, eggs were harvested next morning and dejellied by 2% cysteine,[] from which the Xenopus leavis egg cell free translating system was prepared.
(97) The paper was called: Crudity, Prudery, And Treachery: Translating Sex in the Song of Songs.
(98) Lauri: The Kalevala has been translated into Chinese, but the difficulty is translating and annotating the original poems in the poetic language – not even all the Finns understand all the words.
(99) Localization refers to the generation of code that supports globalization features by translating textual data and setting culture-related configurations, such as name and address formats.
(100) In translating activities lingual, contextual, stylistic and cultural schemata should be transferred successfully.
(101) English-Chinese idioms translation may adopt literal - translating method, meaning - translation method, applying translation method.
(102) Results : Translating the DNA sequences of the aberrance coronary virus and then getting its full gene chip.
(103) Following the technological advances in biomedical sciences during the 20th century[], modern biostatistics is facing the formidable challenge of translating information into knowledge.
(104) Word -for- word translations from one language to another often result in ungrammatical or meaningless sentences. This can be illustrated by translating the following French sentences.
(105) It will acquire no kudos for translating its inner doubts into hesitation.
(106) The translating machine will enable people who do not share a common language to talk to each other without any difficulty or to read foreign publications.
(107) Aixel has identified eleven types of strategies for translating culture specific items.
(108) In this paper, based on a schema translation from Object-Oriented Database(OODB)to Relational Database (RDB), it proposes an algorithm for translating OODB query to RDB query .
(109) These findings may help develop better prosthetics, capable of translating brain signals into natural movements for artificial limbs.
(110) As a stop codon reaches the A - site of a translating ribosome , either termination or readthrough occurs.
(111) Idea that changing division circuit into multiplication circuit is advanced, and a translating form is found at present.
(112) I'm surefooted and am an industrious, responsible person. I love translating and often enjoy the job.
(113) In this paper, the calculating method for the contact stress of plate cam mechanism with translating roller moving follower is presented, and some examples are given.
(114) The translator plays a principal role in translating. His real subjectivity role greatly contrasts with its subordinative role in traditional translation studies.
(115) Yet, as the opening scene unfolded, I started to hear little voices around me translating the projections into Kiswahili to their friends and family.
(116) By translating this real cubic system into a complex planar system, an applicable linear algebraic recursion formula of the equator and the first 6 quantities of the equator are given.
(117) The translating machine will enable people who do not share a common language to talk to each other without any difficulty to read foreign publication.
(118) This paper presents translating and rotating motional electromotive force of non - straight wire in uniform magnetic field.
(119) Where the problem arises is in translating economic growth into investment return a goldmine for investors.
(120) When translating, the translator plays an essential role in the determination of the TL mental lexicon.
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