Synonym: pair of tongs. Similar words: amongst, long since, alongside, angst, moorings, angstrom, writings, youngster. Meaning: [tɑŋz /tɒŋz] n. any of various devices for taking hold of objects; usually have two hinged legs with handles above and pointed hooks below.
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31. " he expresses, at present oneself are working hammer and tongs " Maimoshi " the business.
32. He was so ragged and dirty that you wouldn't have touched him with a pair of tongs .
33. The man would drop his reins, go to the back of the wagon, bisect a hundred-pound block with his pick, swing half of it to his shoulder pad with his tongs, and proceed to someone's back door.
34. A stove, an empty aluminum soda can, kitchen tongs, and a saucepan. Are you experimenting with a new recipe?
35. The waiter lifted rolls from a basket with a pair of silver tongs.
36. Lyon, protecting his head and face as well as he could, retreated to the fireplace, took up the fire tongs, and flailed back.
37. A pair of tongs clasp the Devil's nose in a firm grip.
38. Ensure that tongs, which are not back at the sidethe floor.
39. In a newspaper article , he came down on me, hammer and tongs.
40. Poker's and tongs , Say the bells at St. John's.
41. He had his leather apron on, and in one hand he had a golden chain and in the other his tongs.
42. Our factory is specialized in producing stainless steel poise, seasoning container, cover, break tongs, hollowware holder, eggbeater and etc. kitchenware and barbecue kitchenware.
43. I was so ragged and dirty that you wouldn't have touched me with a pair of tongs.
44. The Driller is to ensure all rig tongs have two snub lines attached for safety.
45. Have you seen the hydraulic tongs in which every roughneck is interested?
46. Gardner - Well tongs are used for control of rotation and gentle traction simultaneously.
47. Today,( oysters are farmed in the bay and harvested by oystermen with long-handled tongs and wooden flats boats.
48. "Practice " hind, the company is studying hammer and tongs up and down hairnet stands, strive for go up at an early date line.
49. It's very convenient to use this pair of fire - tongs to hold coal.
50. A steady glare from the now flameless embers painted the sides and back of the fireplace with its colour, and the well-polished andirons, and the old brass tongs that would not meet.
51. She then retrieved the melting, charred object from the fire with a pair of barbecue tongs, walked upstairs to the kitchen and waved the deformed13) soother in front of my two-year-old face.
52. This is the old residence for the Tongs but it is called "the black house"for having been shut for so many years.
53. Squatting in the shade of a neem tree, he heated a piece of iron until it glowed, then positioned it on an anvil with tongs while Pooni, her feet planted wide, flattened it with a sledgehammer.
54. Ensure that the counter - weights are in balance with the tongs.
55. She used a pair of tongs to put some more coal on the fire.
56. He flew into the job hammer and tongs, and it was soon finished.