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Titanium in a sentence

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Sentence count:200Posted:2017-02-08Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: craniumaluminiumlitanymilitanthesitantexorbitantinhabitanttotalitarianismMeaning: [taɪ'teɪnɪəm]  n. a light strong grey lustrous corrosion-resistant metallic element used in strong lightweight alloys (as for airplane parts); the main sources are rutile and ilmenite. 
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151. The choosing method of cutting material and angle in cutting titanium alloy process and the cryogenic cutting method to improve titanium alloy's machining features are expatiated.
152. Ingredients: Deionized water, almond oil, isopropyl palmitate, ultrafine titanium oxide, hydrolyzed pearl, diphenyl ester-3, octyl salicylate, polyglycerol, jojoba oil, gingko extract. ?
153. Suitable for stainless steel, copper, titanium, carbon steel and alloy steel etc.
154. Vitreoretinal Instrument Handle, Squeeze Model, Two Finger Control Hdl, Rnd Titanium.
155. Solid titanium catalyst component, process for preparing same,( olefin polymerization catalyst containing same and olefine polymerization process.
156. This paper reviews the reductive reactions and reductive coupling reactions induced by low - valent titanium reagents.
157. Stainless steel itself was altered to create vanadium, Vitallium, and now titanium alloys.
158. In this paper a planar titanium oxide electrode was fabricated by standard microelectronic technology and its electrochemical properties in phosphate buffer solution was investigated.
159. Objective To investigate the methods and treatment of internal fixation with Titanium mini-plate in the treatment of metacarpus and phalange fracture in metaphysic.
160. Objective To evaluate the efficacy of the Titanium minitype plate and screw in the treatment of metacarpus fracture.
161. The transformation point of BT22 titanium alloy was determined using calculation and continuous heating-up method.
162. This paper describes the experimental results of the strength and stamping forming property of the hot rolled titanium steel plates, and presents their application in automotive production.
163. Panxi region is Chinas treasure-house of mineral resources, which has especially rich vanadium and titanium resources. It is a typical ecologically fragile area.
164. Although this was only a small series of 7 cases, the titanium mesh or micromesh plates were proved to be a good alternative for such complicated orbital fractures.
165. Titanium anion doesn't divert for the transfer of blood and body fluid in human body.
166. Pumpkin Seed Oil, Saw Palmetto, Gelatin, Purified Water, Glycerin, Zinc Gluconate, Safflower Oil, Yellow Beeswax, Selenium Yeast, Lecithin (from Soy), Caramel Powder, Titanium Dioxide.
167. Each factory preset will help users get started with yellow gold, white gold, silver, titanium, platinum and stainless steel. Neither nor models have this option.
168. The abrasion wear of the carbonization layer is 1 592.5 times as less as that of pure titanium.
169. This paper narrates the effect and the demand of titanium liquid filter aid; and introduces the use of diatom earth filter aid in the manufacture of titanium white by sulfuric acid method.
170. Titanium oxide sol was prepared using inorganic titanium salt , and was used to photo - oxidize dichloromethane solution.
171. It was found that SBA-15 contained abundant silanol groups after removal of triblock copolymers by ethanol extraction and could easily adsorb a great number of titanium alkoxide via chemisorption.
172. A mineral consisting of titanium dioxide in crystalline form; occurs in metamorphic and plutonic rocks and is a major source of titanium.
173. Objective:To approach the significance, selection of operative time and clinical experience in cranioplasty for traumatic skull defect with titanium mesh.
174. The application of nitrous oxide ethyne flame atomic absorbing spectral method to continuous measure the content of Nb and Mo in 7715D high temperature titanium alloy is studied.
175. Objective To investigate the application of individualized titanium meshwork in repairing supraorbital defects.
176. The process involves taking titanium dioxide and treating it with silica, silicone grease or silicic acid for a few minutes.
177. This paper analysed the season of red color of titanium white(F val-ue, crystal seed), and provide a method of solution problem.
178. In this paper, the one-pot reaction of aqueous titanium trichloride with o-nitroaniline and 1,2-diketone compounds in basic media was studied.
179. A weakly magnetic black mineral found in metamorphic and plutonic rocks; an iron titanium oxide in crystalline form; a source of titanium.
180. According to physical truth of titanates' structure, the contents of titanates could be judged indirectly through determining content of titanium in solution and solids at every stages.
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