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Testosterone in a sentence

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Sentence count:151+1Posted:2017-02-18Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: preposterouscholesterollater oncontestedfosterposterasteroidboosterMeaning: [te'stɑstərəʊn /-tɒs-]  n. a potent androgenic hormone produced chiefly by the testes; responsible for the development of male secondary sex characteristics. 
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121. The age-related decline in testosterone starts at about 35 or 40 but it's very slow. And it's very much influenced by health and body weight.
122. If we treat these men with testosterone, it might improve their sex drive.
123. When they tested it on tumor cells in the lab, they found it fueled the growth of prostate cancer cells more potently than testosterone alone, they reported in the journal Clinical Cancer Research.
124. The concentration of this testosterone is also linked to their social status; higher status males tend to produce more.
125. Conclusion: Tanshionone and dioscin have no significant effect on the level of testosterone and insuline and the blood sugar.
126. These measures indicate clinically defined testosterone deficiency, referred to as hypogonadism, as opposed to a tailing off in levels of the hormone as a result of ageing.
127. In male, the immunopositive reaction in spermatogonia, spermatocyte and spermatid to testosterone antibodies strengthened gradually during the development and maturation of testis.
128. The study shows that higher dioxin exposure is associated with decreased testosterone levels, Dr. Gupta said.
129. LEYDIG CELLS: Androgen ( testosterone ) producing cells lying outside the seminiferous tubules within the testes.
130. The residues content of estradiol, progesterone and testosterone in muscle of Lutjanus sanguineus was determined by RIA.
131. Comparing the ratio of testosterone to epitestosterone can then indicate whether testosterone or a precursor has been taken.
132. Objective To understand the effect of ketoconazole on serum testosterone and estradiol levels.
133. Testosterone can induces the increase in number of neurons and dendritic growth and synaptogenesis in adulthood.
134. Objective To study the effect of testosterone propionate(TP)on the distribution pattern of calcitonin gene-related peptide(CGRP)in two types of motoneuron(Mn)pools in rats.
135. As there is a disturbance in the steroid milieu in PCOS women, we also assessed the effects of testosterone and oestradiol on adiponectin receptors using adipocytes and adipocyte explants.
136. But chronic stress, a major factor in the decline of testosterone.
137. After treatment, the wet weight of prostate gland was detected, and the serum levels of testosterone (T) and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) were examined with radioimmunoassay method.
138. People with certain variations in the OR7D4 gene were more likely to like the smell of androstenone and androstadienone, which are related to testosterone.
139. Obesity is associated with low testosterone levels in diabetic men.
140. Prostate tumors and BPH are driven by the male hormone dihydrotestosterone, which is produced from testosterone by two forms of an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase.
141. In the third prenatal month in humans, male fetuses begin to produce more testosterone, which signals their genes to begin creating the structures for male genitals.
142. Leydig cell distributes in the connective tissue of the Seminiferous and its weight is only 2 percent of the whole testis,[] but it synthesizes 95 percent of the whole testosterone in human body.
143. Objective: To study the effects of experimental varicocele (VC) on the serum testosterone (T) and intratesticular testosterone in adolescent rats.
144. The clinical curative rate and immunology index, the change of the serum testosterone, were observed.
145. Unconsciously, they dress sexier as surges in estrogen and testosterone prompt them to look for sexual opportunities during this particularly fertile period.
146. This serves two purposes: to strike fear into their opponents and toraise the testosterone levels of the performers.
147. Castration ( or neutering ): Removal of the testes. The procedure stops most production of the hormone testosterone.
148. Methods Serum levels of testosterone and estradiol were measured with radioimmunoassay in 42 patients with acne vulgaris.
149. This enzyme catalyzes one step in the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone,( which is a hormone implicated in hair loss.
150. Of the four cases of breast cancer in women who wore the testosterone patch, one had symptoms reported retroactively as starting before the treatment.
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