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Tenacity in a sentence

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Sentence count:79Posted:2017-03-01Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: doggednessperseverancepersistencepersistencypertinacitytenaciousnessSimilar words: tenaciouspertinacitycapacityveracityaudacitycarrying capacityenactmenaceMeaning: n. persistent determination. 
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(31) A spiritless tenacity was his main characteristic, I judged.
(32) Adhere to the principle with an unremitting tenacity.
(33) Fortitude indefatigability perseverance persevere tenacity.
(34) The chief distinguishing feature is their tenacity of life.
(35) Chitosan fiber can be used to prepare medical dressing, human body absorbable suture, support material for tissue engineering etc. , but its lower tenacity greatly hinders its application area.
(36) They alone have the requisite determination and tenacity to fight a sanguinary issue through the end.
(37) Almost can not survive the desert plant, can it even be able to survive in the desert, tenacious, fully proved its tenacity of life to adapt to environmental changes so fast!
(38) Self-indulgence, selfishness, personality likes and dislikes can give way to the love and tenacity of the soul nature.
(39) The results show that heat treating structure is high - tenacity low - carbon martensitic matrix and high - hardness eutectic boride.
(40) The building and improvement of the test methods of ECDP filament tenacity loss were expounded emphasise.
(41) Tyre cord fabric of high tenacity yarn of nylon or other polyamides(, polyesters or viscose rayon.
(42) He uses a combination of length, quickness and tenacity to suffocate his opponents.
(43) Cellulose fibers manufactured with ionic liquids are already displaying similar properties in terms of tenacity and elasticity compared to fibers manufactured by the NMMO and viscose process.
(44) But it is still commendable for its determination and tenacity.
(45) In any event, Walters saved our March 16 trip with the imagination and tenacity.
(46) Fiber convolutions also negatively with such physical measurements as bundle tenacity.
(47) That string footprint stays behind which by the Kong Fansen snowfield in, sings makes a sound your tenacity and the tenaciousness , sings makes a sound your soul and the spirit.
(47) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
(48) The research demonstrates a normal faulting tenacity shear zone with hanging wall westwardly sliding according to kinematics characteristics of the tenacity shear zone.
(49) High Tenacity Elastic Webbing: Mainly used for sofa, beach bed, beach chair and sports.
(50) I see many students taking 23)premedical courses with joyless 24)tenacity.
(51) For the Spaniards, Rino "Gatusso" is a rough and unstylish player, but the Rossonero midfielder's tenacity is taking down these prejudices.
(52) Vitamin P can enhance the adhesion between human cells, lower cholesterol, maintain the tenacity of microvascular (blood capillary).
(53) But they knew also the Chairman's domineering temper and tenacity.
(54) Northerner as he was, Wang Ho - fu combined a humorous disposition with a great tenacity of purpose.
(55) By means of WAXD and DSC et al. crystallinity, degree of orientation, unit cell parameters, tensile force of drawing, content of solvent, tenacity and modulus of the fibers were measured.
(56) I see many students taking pre - medical courses with joyless tenacity.
(57) This paper describes the batch stress failure with cranny, and puts forward the failure cause by analysis, then proposes the countermeasures to increase tenacity and to eliminate stress.
(58) Bamboo, hollow, true and stem, the sexual tenacity, knobbly bending not fold, although midwinter amaranth, evergreen leaves, than for tree a gentleman.
(59) Tenacity, particularly one used in jack socket part, not easily deformed.
(60) Chicken legs , chicken claws , laudatory title, rich in colloid, with tenacity.
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