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Myopia in a sentence

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Sentence count:157+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-01-18Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: nearsightednessshortsightednessSimilar words: utopianpianotopicopiniontropicalgo to piecespropitiousdevelopingMeaning: [maɪ'əʊpɪə]  n. (ophthalmology) eyesight abnormality resulting from the eye's faulty refractive ability; distant objects appear blurred. 
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1. It appears that literacy causes myopia.
2. The child with high myopia is also at risk of further visual deterioration from muscular haemorrhage or retinal detachment.
3. Whether human myopia can be arrested or reversed is the subject of some debate in ophthalmology.
4. She kept hitting my forehead, and penumbra replaced myopia, and my arms fell away, no longer offering interference.
5. Tom Peters, finding such myopia hard to believe, attacked the attackers in an Open Letter to Congress.
6. If the myopia is of high degree the vision may not be normal even with glasses.
7. The patriarchal principle surrendered class solidarity to myopia and minimalism.
8. Thus, a certain historical myopia is required to substantiate territorial claims.
9. Is laser surgery eradicative in spend myopia? Have sequela?
10. What be after all bring about myopia?
11. Myopia causes moon blindness really, how to do?
12. Which have remedial myopia? Help me glasses pick off!
13. Does myopia of extensive compound eye have key?
14. What does pseudomyopia have to differ with myopia?
15. With what method deepness myopia restores vision?
16. Overindulgence in computer games contributes to myopia and obesity.
17. Myopia children has slightly higher AMP than Emmetropia ones.
18. The product concept also can lead to marketing myopia.
19. Does myopia compound eye have key?
20. How can you distinguish pseudomyopia and true sex myopia?
21. Objective To analyze the relationship between adolescent myopia and cervical spondylopathy .
22. The cancellation of the popular show was a result of managerial myopia.
23. Ophthalmic surgeons are now performing laser surgery to correct myopia.
24. It should be used as a platform from which to explore the different modes that he suggests of lessening the short-run myopia.
25. The constant switching between long and short distances appears to create myopia.
26. Illiteracy is not the only, nor the most important(,[] evidence of national myopia.
27. When there was long-term retinal detachment, the protrusion of global wall remained in congenital coloboma of choroid, but protrusion extincted in high myopia.
28. People who do an excessive amount of near vision work may experience a false or "pseudo" myopia.
29. With age increasing, the diopter of these subjects had a tendency of hypermetropia from myopia.
30. ObjectiveTo explore the relationship between melanin synthesis and the congenital high myopia of albino guinea - pigs.
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