Synonym: domination, mastery. Similar words: Supreme, supreme court, premature, primacy, intimacy, diplomacy, legitimacy, illegitimacy. Meaning: [sʊ'preməsɪ] n. power to dominate or defeat.
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61 The rise of the pop video was an important element in the growing supremacy of style over substance.
62 Other essays examine subjects such as white supremacy, Black homophobia feminist politicization and male violence.
63 But the aristocracy of Savoy nevertheless remained a powerful class, enjoying unchallenged supremacy within the duchy.
64 In the United Kingdom the doctrine of legislative supremacy dictates that Parliament has power to legislate on constitutional matters.
65 The certainty that life would be bad and the prayer that it would not struggled for supremacy in his exhausted mind.
66 I never had that white supremacy idea, and I don't think I was paternalistic.
67 One of the clearest indications of de Gaulle's supremacy over the collective executive was the role of the Council of Ministers.
68 the battle for supremacy in the region.
69 America's eventual supremacy has been predicated incessantly.
70 Could a husband like that establish his supremacy? ".
71 Germany planned to challenge Britain's naval supremacy.
72 Any country on permanent military supremacy has become illusory.
73 To preserve white supremacy[], he threatened a civil war.
74 a fierce rivalry for world supremacy.
75 Freedom means the supremacy of human rights everywhere.
76 His whole platform boiled down to white supremacy.
77 They strove for supremacy under heaven.
78 Only by retaining an advantage in such power can they ensure their national security or supremacy.
79 The city is a residue of Britain's era of commercial and industrial supremacy.
80 The conclusion is that the deeply reason of non-market economy in EU is the influence and stalemate for supremacy between countries or country groups.
81 The mysterious figure "Five" has roots in four-sided consciousness. As a centre, Five is symbol of power and supremacy with its sanctity.
82 After quelling the rebellious German nobility, he failed to subdue papal authority in Italy and conceded supremacy to Pope Alexander III (77). He drowned while leading the Third Crusade.
83 One in a position of supremacy or domination over others.
84 The Aryans formed a caste system in order to maintain the purity of their blood and to maintain white supremacy.
85 The form of family corresponding to civilization and coming to definite supremacy with it is monogamy, the domination of the man over the woman,( and the single family as the economic unit of society.
86 The basic characteristics of the constitutional norm lies in its nature of supremacy, fundamentality, extensiveness, adhering to principles, adaptability and stability.
87 Barrow: English theologian, scholar, and mathematician who wrote about trigonometry, optics, and papal supremacy.
88 Khan's power is a typical political power with properties of supremacy, compulsiveness, initiative and activeness, expansiveness and destructiveness, etc.
89 Godwin was accused of being a kaffir-lover, but soon was part of the army created to fight for white supremacy.
90 The president has been able to assert his ultimate supremacy over the prime minister.
More similar words: Supreme, supreme court, premature, primacy, intimacy, diplomacy, legitimacy, illegitimacy, emaciated, emaciation, remand, acupressure, remain, remark, remake, remains, cremation, crematory, remainder, remaining, remarkable, crematorium, unremarkable, premier, premise, premium, premises, premiere, premonitory, premium bond.