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Stranded in a sentence

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Sentence count:204+6 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-04-01Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: isolatedmaroonedSimilar words: strandstrangestrangerestrangestrangleministranttransgendertranscendentMeaning: [strænd]  adj. 1. cut off or left behind 2. with the bottom lodged on a reef or shoal in shallow water. 
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1. Air travellers were left stranded because of icy conditions.
2. We ended up stranded in Paris with no money.
3. The receding tide stranded the whale.
3. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
4. I was stranded in the strange town without money or friends.
5. He left me stranded in town with no car and no money for a bus.
6. He stranded in the middle of his speech.
7. The ship was stranded on a sandbank.
8. He was stranded in the middle of nowhere.
9. The climbers had been stranded by a storm.
10. They were stranded for hours on the snowbound motorway.
11. The stranded tourists were finally flown home.
12. There I was, stranded in Rome with no money.
13. Our ship stranded near the submerged reefs.
14. A ship got stranded along the shore, but last night sea waves washed it away again.
15. If the tide comes in, we'll be stranded on these rocks.
16. The hapless passengers were stranded at the airport for three days.
17. Some people found themselves stranded in the lifts as the power failed yet again.
18. Thousands of air travellers were left stranded by the strike.
19. The stranded climbers were picked up by a rescue helicopter.
20. The strike left hundreds of tourists stranded at the airport.
21. We got stranded in the city centre after we missed the last bus home.
22. We were stranded with engine trouble on a deserted highway.
23. Thousands of passengers were stranded last night at Heathrow airport.
24. The strike has led to the cancellation of some ferry services and left hundreds of passengers stranded at the docks.
25. Aid agencies have been unable to get through to the thousands of refugees stranded on the border.
26. Authorities requisitioned hotel rooms to lodge more than 3[],000 stranded Christmas vacationers.
27. Rescue services have been working round the clock to free stranded motorists.
28. The helicopter made a drop of much-needed supplies to the stranded hikers.
29. It's lucky you came along when you did or I'd have been stranded at the bus stop for an hour!
30. The carriage at the end of the train was left stranded when the coupling broke.
More similar words: strandstrangestrangerestrangestrangleministranttransgendertranscendentremonstranceestrangementtranscendentalismlandedendedmindedfundedoffendedboundedwoundedfoundedextendedundecidedunfoundeddescendedpretendedsuspendedastoundedopen-mindedsurroundedungroundedreprimanded
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