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Pretended in a sentence

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Sentence count:187+23 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-03-21Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: assumedfalsefictitiousfictiveput onshamSimilar words: pretendpretendingextendedpretensepretencepretentiousapprehendedextended familyMeaning: [prɪ'tendɪd]  adj. adopted in order to deceive. 
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1. There is more danger from a pretended friend than from an enemy. 
2. The children pretended they were dinosaurs.
3. I pretended to be indifferent to it.
4. He pretended not to know the facts.
5. I pretended to be asleep.
6. They pretended to misunderstand me.
7. He pretended sleep when his mother called him.
8. We pretended nothing had happened.
9. He pretended profundity by eye - beamings at people.
10. She pretended she was his niece.
11. He pretended to his family that everything was fine.
12. He pretended not to notice.
12. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
13. She didn't love him, though she pretended to.
14. She pretended an interest she did not feel.
15. He pretended to be affronted, but inwardly he was pleased.
16. He pretended not to know her but in fact they were in league together.
17. The police divested the pretended officer of his stolen uniform.
18. The stranger pretended to offer to tell her fortune.
19. She pretended illness as an excuse.
20. They pretended that they were tourists.
21. He politely pretended not to have heard this remark.
22. Sometimes the boy pretended to be asleep.
23. Her eyes widened in pretended astonishment.
24. His pretended friendship was part of the deception.
25. She pretended not to hear(, and kept on walking.
26. She pretended not to notice.
27. The young prince pretended to the throne.
28. He pretended that he was the real king.
29. The children pretended to eat the mud pies.
30. He pretended to scalp me with his sword.
More similar words: pretendpretendingextendedpretensepretencepretentiousapprehendedextended familypretentiousnessendedoffendedpretextretentiondescendedsuspendedtendertendencytenderlycontenderlegal tendersuperintendentsuspended animationinterpreterindependentindependencebe independent ofindependent agencyretardedlandeddeclaration of independence
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