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Stick in a sentence

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Sentence count:299+68Posted:2017-01-11Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: adhereattachclingcontinuefastenkeep onpenetrateperforateperseverepiercepuncturestabAntonym: partSimilar words: stick tostick outstick it outchopsticktickrusticjusticeplasticMeaning: [stɪk]  n. 1. an implement consisting of a length of wood 2. a small thin branch of a tree 3. a lever used by a pilot to control the ailerons and elevators of an airplane 4. a rectangular quarter pound block of butter or margarine 5. informal terms of the leg 6. a long implement (usually made of wood) that is shaped so that hockey or polo players can hit a puck or ball 7. a long thin implement resembling a length of wood 8. marijuana leaves rolled into a cigarette for smoking 9. threat of a penalty. v. 1. fix, force, or implant 2. stay put (in a certain place) 3. cause to protrude or as if to protrude 4. stick to firmly 5. be or become fixed 6. endure 7. be a devoted follower or supporter 8. be loyal to 9. cover and decorate with objects that pierce the surface 10. fasten with an adhesive material like glue 11. fasten with or as with pins or nails 12. fasten into place by fixing an end or point into something 13. pierce with a thrust using a pointed instrument 14. pierce or penetrate or puncture with something pointed 15. come or be in close contact with; stick or hold together and resist separation 16. saddle with something disagreeable or disadvantageous 17. be a mystery or bewildering to. 
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211) If you want to play an instrument well, you've got to stick at it.
212) You stick out like a sore thumb in that uniform.
213) I had intended asking for my cards in June, but I think I shall stick it out till the end of the year.
214) If we stick at it, we should finish the job today.
215) Please don't stick the stamp on; I like to collect them.
216) He gets about with the aid of a walking stick.
217) Sometimes I just have to resort to the carrot and stick approach with my children.
218) He hit the ground with his stick and a puff of dust rose up into the air.
219) The old lady leant on her stick as she talked.
220) Stir the sauce so that it doesn't stick to the pan.
221) He is determined to stick out the race even if he finishes last.
222) The judge instructed both lawyers to stick to the facts of the case.
223) He hates the job but he's determined to stick it out because he needs the money.
224) The old man hobbled along with the aid of his stick.
225) Remember,[] stick to the issues and don't take it personally.
226) At 84 he's still quite active, although he walks with the aid of a stick.
227) Stick with me until we get out of the crowd.
228) Let's stick to discussing whether the road should be built at all. The exact cost is beside the point.
229) She wanted to say how sorry she was but the words seemed to stick in her throat.
230) We can stick these pictures into the book with gum.
231) The boy disturbed the tranquil surface of the pond with a stick.
232) Is there enough evidence to make the charges stick ?
233) We gave him some stick for wearing that silly hat.
234) If you're desperate for disk space you could zip the file and stick it on a floppy.
235) The farmer saw the boys off with a heavy stick.
236) Mind you don't poke her eye out with that stick!
237) She taught her children to stick up for themselves at school.
238) UN troops are in a cleft stick: something has to be done for the civilian population, yet to retaliate would surely be the spark to ignite all-out war.
239) He's a good car mechanic - I think we should stick with him.
240) He gave the dog a vicious blow with his stick.
More similar words: stick tostick outstick it outchopsticktickrusticjusticeplasticeristicdomesticmajesticartisticsadisticbombasticacousticsfantasticrealisticdo justiceoptimisticaltruisticstatisticslinguisticpolytheisticgesticulateritualisticeuphemisticstatisticaldomesticatedsophisticatedenthusiastic
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