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Gymnasium in a sentence

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Sentence count:79+3 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-03-15Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: Gymnasiumgymlyceelyceummiddle schoolsecondary schoolSimilar words: gymnastgymnasticssymposiumeuthanasiagymhymnremnantdamnableMeaning: [dʒɪm'neɪzɪəm]  n. 1. a school for students intermediate between elementary school and college; usually grades 9 to 12 2. athletic facility equipped for sports or physical training. 
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1. I met her at the gymnasium.
2. The new gymnasium is situated at the center of the city.
3. The new gymnasium is situated at the eastern extremity of the city.
4. Our school has a big gymnasium.
5. The child somersaulted across the gymnasium.
6. It took us several hours to get the gymnasium ready for the ball.
7. She never took me to the gymnasium again.
8. Gymnasium, sauna, steam room, beauty salon, indoor pool.
9. Do you prefer to exercise in a gymnasium? 8.
10. In a big room that looks like a gymnasium or something.
11. Only rarely - in the gymnasium, at a night-club, perhaps - does Philadelphia take on a physical presence.
12. In a school gymnasium full of caucus-goers in Des Moines[], Dole inadvertently coined the best phrase of this perplexing campaign.
13. The crowd filled the gymnasium at Georgetown Visitation, the Catholic girls' school three blocks from the church.
14. Everyone in that gymnasium heard the break as Charlie staggered against the ropes.
15. The heat of the day made the gymnasium feel like an oven.
16. Three kilometre to the gymnasium ... Now is shortage of material, I must do all.
17. Elsewhere, a beautifully-equipped gymnasium, featuring a bank of television sets, overlooks the gardens.
18. The other buildings are schoolrooms and a gymnasium for the spitballs and gut-men.
19. The daily tariff includes accommodation and unlimited use of the pool and gymnasium.
20. The basketball nets hung down from the ceiling at either end of the gymnasium.
21. But friends and well wishers rallied round and calling themselves Ashleys army, raised enough cash to buy him his own gymnasium.
22. I hardly think they would be interested in using our gymnasium.
23. One frustrated local battalion has resorted to practicing with toy soldiers on a gymnasium floor.
24. She, like all the other girls in the office, had seen him in the gymnasium a hundred times.
25. The state also was increasing the career exposure for students in the Gymnasium, the secondary schools for university-bound students.
25. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
26. Those questions were asked in front of a packed gymnasium, much to the Surprise of the state officials who attended.
27. The low end of Bio2 was a desert, as big as a gymnasium.
28. With his share he would be able to get the gymnasium he so badly wanted.
29. There are also tennis courts, a bowling green and an air-conditioned gymnasium with a regulation-sized basketball court.
30. Seven purpose-built conference suits, exclusive health club and heated indoor pool and gymnasium.
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