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Start on in a sentence

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Sentence count:122+2 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-10-27Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: start offstartstarterstart upreport onnear tocartoongive ear to
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1. I'm just about to start on the cleaning.
2. Can you start on Monday?
3. Many addicts start on soft drugs, such as cannabis.
4. When will the film start on TV?
5. He wanted an early start on his election campaign.
6. Skip the first chapter and start on page 25.
7. I'll make a start on the washing-up.
8. The prisoners had a three-hour start on their pursuers.
9. Shall we make a start on the work?
10. They began to start on a new spaceflight plan.
11. Don't start on about him not having a job.
12. Don't start on him; he's being angry.
13. You'd better start on your homework.
14. I'll paint the ceiling if you make a start on the walls.
15. I suppose we should make a start on cleaning this room.
16. Well, well(, I don't want to start on anyone today.
17. Work was about to start on a new factory building.
18. Pacino got his start on the stage, before his success in films.
19. You start on the windows and I'll do the walls, then we can swap over after an hour or so.
20. Shall we start on the wine or wait till Colin gets here?
21. This damnable car! It just won't start on cold mornings!
22. We need to make a start on the brochure next week.
23. No need for you to start on the washing-up yet.
24. 'Can you start on Monday?' Amy gave a gulp. 'Of course,[Sentence dictionary]' she said.
25. A full hearing will start on April 27.
26. And when she'd finished that she'd start on him.
27. If the tax systems are different in each European country, how can industries start on a level playing field?
28. I've finished decorating the bathroom, so now I can start on the bedroom.
29. She went into the second round with a five-minute start on the rest of the cyclists.
30. The sailors hoisted the flag and the ship was ready to start on a long voyage.
More similar words: start offstartstarterstart upreport onnear tocartoongive ear tostarestarstarchstarvestaringsort outrefer toprior toin order toin support oftonetontargetstoneget onguitaract onsit onbuttonput onat oncecotton
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