Similar words: naturalization, hospitalization, rehabilitation, stability, instability, organization, polarization, urbanization. Meaning: [‚steɪbɪlə'zeɪʃn /-laɪ'z-] n. 1. the act of stabilizing something or making it more stable 2. the act of making something (as a vessel or aircraft) less likely to overturn.
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61, A pilot scale facility of autothermal thermophilic aerobic digestion (ATAD) was designed for stabilization of urban sewage sludge.
62, The stabilized polyacrylonitrile fiber was prepared by the method of liquid - phase stabilization carbonized in nitrogen atmosphere.
63, A series of experiment is made to test the utility of these sensors. The way to use these sensors in the antenna stabilization system and to make up of the error is proposed here.
64, The improved process will decrease energy consumption of the stabilization system.
65, Treatment of Vertebral Osteomyelitis by Radical Debridement and Stabilization Using Titanium Mesh Cages.
66, The overall study on rock cutting slope with air-raid shelter is presented based on the stabilization design of the slope including the numerical simulation analysis and field tests.
67, So, green shoots of stabilization may be replaced by yellow weeds of stagnation if several medium-term factors constrain the global economy's ability to return to sustained growth.
68, Therefore, an antenna stabilization platform is built for a high resolving power Airborne SAR to image continuously in wide area.
69, An outgrowth of all these errors is the idea of stabilization.
70, Handbook of Enology, Volume 2, 2nd Edition[], The Chemistry of Wine: Stabilization and Treatments.
71, Compared with market externality, regulation externality may affect allocation, stabilization, distribution and growth efficiency o.
72, When the HLB value is 13 - 15, the system has best stabilization and rheology.
73, Because of the swimming crab grow rapid, have good ability to adapt the circumstance, suffer from little diseases, high price and the price stabilization and so on.
74, Robust stabilization of a class of linear system with nonlinear perturbation is discussed in this paper.
75, New approaches for optimization of UV stabilization using grafting, compatibilization, polymerizable stabilizers and polymer bound stabilizers are emphasized.
76, Reactive compensation and reactive balance could improve the stabilization of the transmission system, increase the transmission ability, and restrain the over-voltage of the system.
77, This paper discussed the antioxygenation of raffinose to fish oil. The research results show that raffinose have stabilization on fish oil and some other high unsaturated substances.
78, The leather stabilization process does not get rid of the leather smell, which I noticed after removing the knives from their packaging .
79, Through lab simulative research, the influence of leachate refluence on the stabilization in the landfill site was investigated under different conditions.
80, Combined surgical excision and spinal stabilization is the best treatment.
81, Based on this, the design of state feedback is given by matrix transform. The issue of robust BIBO stabilization for uncertain large scale systems is also addressed.
82, Using 4-Methy1-2, 6-di-tert-butylphenol as a oxidation-resistant stabilizing agent, we have studied stabilization of polyacetylene.
83, On this point(, RUP offers extensive guidance by showing you the prioritization technique of use cases and architecture stabilization.
84, The early stage hydration of PC five periods , the pre - induction , induction, acceleratory, deceleration and stabilization periods.
85, To overcome the disadvantages of light intensity difference frequency stabilization, the dithering frequency stabilization for four frequency differential laser gyro is studied in this paper.
86, It concludes that this method can accelerate the stabilization of the garbage dump ground.
87, Through the experiment, the authors analyzed the factors which affect the laser frequency repetition and stabilization, and measured the stabilized laser power and the frequency stabilization.
88, Labor demand in the real estate, rental and leasing industry jumped the most in June, coinciding with signs of stabilization in the housing sector, Monster said.
89, Based on continuous extrusion method to produce copper bus-bar is a new processing method with the merits of saving energy and forming stabilization.
90, In order to improve the frequency stabilization of the Doppler modulator, a series of affecting factors are considered in depth and optimized in the aspects of optics, mechanics and electronics.
More similar words: naturalization, hospitalization, rehabilitation, stability, instability, organization, polarization, urbanization, organizational, accountability, rationalize, habitation, station, stationery, gestation, ability, starvation, stationary, viability, installation, nation-state, reconciliation, liability, deforestation, affability, disability, capability, equability, malleability, probability.