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31. The service sector shrank by 0.1 percent, and manufacturing output fell 0.2 percent.
32. Now he shrank inside as a wave of apprehension swept over him.
33. She spoke in an angry volume that shrank my male unit and climbed tonal scales like a steam-driven xylophone.
34. Farmers fled to work as itinerant merchants; the amount of cultivated grain land shrank from 12,350 acres to less than 5,[http://Sentencedict.com]000.
35. She shrank so quickly because she cut her daily calorie intake from more than 5,000 to 2,000.
36. The Churchill Hospital saved Lynda's life. After 5 months of chemotherapy treatment like this, the tumours shrank.
37. Trade gap falls Britain's trade deficit with the rest of the world shrank dramatically as output from factories rose.
38. Hoc and his brother shrank back in momentary horror front the man dying at their feet; then Hoc began sobbing loudly.
39. As time passed, the collarbone also shrank in size, hinting at the development of a free-swinging shoulder.
40. Government subsidies in the form of legal notices shrank while circulation and advertising income rose dramatically.
41. By channeling water on to the desert, CO2 shrank; by channeling the water on to the dried mulch, CO2 expanded.
42. The tumour shrank dramatically, in a way which had not been seen before.
43. She shrank into a seat near the back, her heart beating a mile a minute.
44. As the sun shrank the ledge, he waited to plunge to his death into a crevasse.
45. I shrank back into the shadows of the alley and saw people passing by on the sidewalk.
46. Even as her military forces were strengthened and were winning the Cold War, her power in the marketplace shrank.
47. She shrank from entering the chateau, and had to be cajoled inside.
48. As Rain and Oliver approached the three shrank back, but when Rain looked round she saw the pedlar peering after her.
49. I shrank back into the darkest corner of the room, and prayed that the soldiers would not see me.
50. In 1988 Margaret Thatcher squeezed sight-test charges through Parliament only after a Tory rebellion that shrank her majority by 28 votes.
51. As they neared her hiding place, Tilly shrank back into the shadows.
52. She opened the door, and shrank back with a scream.
53. At once the image shrank, diminishing to its former size.
54. Its domestic share shrank from nearly 10 percent to just over 7 percent.
55. The Old World was saved and the Realm of Chaos shrank away to the north.
56. Mrs. Archer was a shy woman and shrank from society; but she liked to be well-informed as to its doings.
57. As the peat shrank further, more powerful electric pumps and diesel pumps became available.
58. She shrank inwards as an icy blast of air enveloped her.
59. His face shrank into lines of hostility and I felt my right knee twitching with anger inside my trouser-leg.
60. As the star shrank, the gravitational field at the surface would become stronger and the escape velocity would increase.