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Shape in a sentence

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Sentence count:196+47Posted:2017-03-10Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: adaptdesigndevelopfashionformmoldSimilar words: take shapeshapelessin the shape ofmishapchap.happyperhapshappenMeaning: [ʃeɪp]  n. 1. any spatial attributes (especially as defined by outline) 2. the spatial arrangement of something as distinct from its substance 3. alternative names for the body of a human being 4. a concrete representation of an otherwise nebulous concept 5. the visual appearance of something or someone 6. the state of (good) health (especially in the phrases `in condition' or `in shape' or `out of condition' or `out of shape') 7. the supreme headquarters that advises NATO on military matters and oversees all aspects of the Allied Command Europe 8. a perceptual structure. v. 1. shape or influence; give direction to 2. make something, usually for a specific function 3. give shape or form to. 
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151. Object To study the shape feature of the children ? ? s corneal surface emmetropia with and corneal topography.
152. In addition , echelon is the best shape of blasting cut among echelon, inverse echelon and rectangle.
153. Together with our friends and allies, we will work to shape change, lest it engulf us.
154. Later the inside shape of the exhaust pipe will be made.
155. The dovetail shape holds the PTFE O - ring in place under all operating conditions.
156. Those three main approaches: pose space deformation, shape by example, multi - weights enveloping.
157. The distensible effect of a circle - shape dark region light reflection from curved liquid surface was discovered.
158. The distensible effect of a strip - shape bright region light reflection from curved liquid surface was discovered.
159. Drag onto the page. Drag yellow diamonds to edit cutaway's shape and size.
160. By means of wind tunnel simulation wind loading on a CD - disk shape structure was studied.
161. Fault with EW trend and word shape host rock crack are major ore - controlling elements.
162. Dongying sag is a dustpan shape one with very abundant oil and gas.
163. The shape of the dna molecule is a double
164. The Type 091 nuclear - powered attack submarine utilises a water - drop shape with a double - hulled configuration.
165. A theory would shape an experiment, and then the experiment would confirm or disprove the theory.
166. Electrophoresis is a technique that separates macromolecules according to their net electrical charge and shape.
167. Reason 3 : The elliptical shape reminds you of Easter Eggs.
168. Broken raw WC particle still keeps raw shape eutectic carbide is severely smashed during thermal cycling.
169. Bessie's glance , though it expressed regard ,[] did in no shape denote admiration.
170. Of , relating to, or having the shape of an ellipse.
171. Mooncakes are customarily circular in shape, but rectangular cakes are gaining in popularity.
172. It is not that the time - shape of new input stream is a pure technical datum.
173. I just use the usual way to make a egg roll shape.
174. Solder surfaces and parts produced no white erythema shape residues, High surface insulation resistance.
175. Raglan sleeves create an hour glass shape, drawstring accentuates the smallest part of your midriff.
176. Using a stencil I then draw out the shape of the riser.
177. Introduced the compound die design of atomizer electronic box, detailed expound work process and taking shape.
178. This spinning area surrounding the event horizon is called the ergosphere and has an ellipsoidal shape.
179. And discusses the fitting to take shape influence factor the way and the drainage system.
180. Various windows embellish the corridor, with the shape of square, circle, hexagon and octagon.
More similar words: take shapeshapelessin the shape ofmishapchap.happyperhapshappenunhappychapterhaplesshappilytaperapegapepapercaperhappen tohaphazardhappeninghappinesslapelleaperdiapergrapeagapeescapetaperedscrapetrapeze
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