Synonym: redemption. Similar words: elevation, excavation, starvation, motivation, innovation, captivation, reservation, observation. Meaning: [sæl'veɪʃn] n. 1. (Christianity) the act of delivering from sin or saving from evil 2. a means of preserving from harm or unpleasantness 3. the state of being saved or preserved from harm 4. saving someone or something from harm of from an unpleasant situation.
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91. Where I think the problem lies is that the Victorian age was one which stressed personal salvation and the individual soul.
92. In London he had joined gangs who had thrown rotten tomatoes, eggs or whatever was at hand into Salvation Army meetings.
93. And his political resurrection offers campaign salvation to Bob Dole, whose presidential candidacy Atwater helped to destroy in 1988.
94. She cabled her parents and told them she was going to the Salvation Army College in London.
95. No more resonance than a quarter hitting the bottom of a Salvation Army Christmas kettle.
96. He was concerned not with reforming society but with securing his personal salvation.
97. In May, 1981, Eva celebrated thirty years as a Salvation Army officer.
98. The flesh and bones of words rose again to the salvation of their etymologies.
99. When their daughter, another Maria, joined the Salvation Army she was disinherited.
100. One does not need to acquire hermeneutical skills to appreciate the significance and personal challenge presented by the great truths of salvation.
101. They offer hope rather than salvation, consolation rather than cure, reform rather than revolution.
102. The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?
103. The beasts of the field, pedigree or otherwise, were included by the Bible in the plan of salvation.
104. Bandaged and immobilised, disfigured in the pursuit of beauty, Messager's women seek salvation.
105. As the quote from Guttierrez shows,( ) the struggle to build a just society is itself part of the process of salvation.
106. Among many seventeenth-century Puritans, a little more leeway about the value of good works in salvation was allowed.
107. They were dedicated to the task of bringing redemption and salvation to sinners before the Day of Judgement arrived.
108. Unlike that of the most vicious of television's robotic villains, their aim is environmental salvation for the earth.
109. The first is a journey toward some external goal: influence and powers a happy family, salvation, or self-actualization.
110. We can not hope to recover that certainty about good and evil upon which in the ethical religions salvation itself depends.
111. In the 1980s,( we thought we'd found salvation to our problems in artificial intelligence and expert systems.
112. And yet to pretend that Nathaniel is our sole salvation is too cynical.
113. Up to secondary school her life had revolved around the family and the Salvation Army.
114. What may be their salvation, in fact, are 30 species of animals who were studied for the way they live.
115. Roman Catholics, however, emphasizing the role of free will, believe that humans can cooperate in their salvation through actions.
116. I had also had a very enjoyable weekend in Sheffield when the Salvation Army invited me to make an appearance.
117. From then on Wimbledon were looking to Liverpool for salvation.
118. We do not take all this for granted and look for salvation to come from somewhere outside the created order.
119. The ability to manipulate information, he implied, could be our very salvation.
120. And, he might have added, a special kind of secular salvation.
More similar words: elevation, excavation, starvation, motivation, innovation, captivation, reservation, observation, conservation, desalination, galvanize, ratification, gratification, acclimatization, nation, ration, elation, station, oration, ablation, duration, relation, libation, zonation, formation, mutation, rational, negation, location, creation.