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Rope in a sentence

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Sentence count:225+66 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-02-17Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: Mexican valiumR-2circleforget me druglassoleashroachroofyrophySimilar words: rope inproperlyimproperpropertyEuropeanpropensityeastern europeprivate propertyMeaning: [rəʊp]  n. 1. a strong line 2. street names for flunitrazepan. v. 1. catch with a lasso 2. fasten with a rope. 
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31) He hung on until the rope broke.
32) Her body was found suspended by a rope.
33) He made a knot in the rope.
34) We tied his hands together with rope.
35) They let him down on a rope.
36) The rope dangled in the breeze.
37) He coiled the rope on the deck.
38) Tie a knot in the rope.
39) He clutched the rope we threw to him.
40) He clung to the rope with both hands.
41) The rope holding the boat suddenly tightened and broke.
42) He hitched the horse's rope over the pole.
43) She twisted many threads to make this rope.
44) You must catch hold of this rope.
45) She grasped the rope and pulled herself up.
46) They have tied the luggage up with a rope.
47) They looped a rope around the thief.
48) The climber grabbed for the rope.
49) Tie a knot to join those two pieces of rope.
50) The rope broke and she fell 50 metres onto the rocks.
51) There was a rope dangling down into a dark[],[] bottomless hole.
52) If you grasp this rope, I will pull you up.
53) Do you know how to wind up a long rope neatly?
54) Hold fast to the rope, and I will put you up.
55) He held on to the rope, and slipped down the cliff slowly.
56) The old peasant is twisting pieces of straw into a rope.
57) They tied a rope around my waist and pulled me up.
58) Tod shook his head angrily and slung the coil of rope over his shoulder.
59) Lofty ideals are grown in the mountain flowers on the. If you want it, diligence is a climbing rope.
60) I tripped over the guy rope of the tent in the dark.
More similar words: rope inproperlyimproperpropertyEuropeanpropensityeastern europeprivate propertyhope against hopecopeopenoperahopepopescopeslopeopenlyoperateopen airoperatorhopefulopeninghopelessin the opensoap operacope withoperatingoperationcooperatedeveloper
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