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Regulated in a sentence

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Sentence count:283+3Posted:2017-07-05Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: regulatederegulateregulatorregulationregulatoryderegulationthermoregulationregulatory agencyMeaning: ['regjəleɪt /-jʊ]  adj. 1. controlled or governed according to rule or principle or law 2. marked by system or regularity or discipline. 
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(241) Spermatogenesis and spermiogenesis are a series of highly ordered process of molecular and cellular events, regulated by many kinds of proteins.
(242) Mr Asahi's movements involve some serious animatronics, developed with the use of compressed air, controlled and regulated through various valves and electrical switching mechanisms via a PC.
(243) Parties in proceedings and proper parties should be appropriately regulated so as to prevent an abuse of rights to an action while, at the same time remain the investors protected.
(244) There have been some unfair competitions in the fields such as direct distribution and multi-level marketing, and the Internet, which need to be further regulated in the law.
(245) Before the SEC was created in 1934, securities were regulated by the individual states.
(246) Article 3 Auto financing companies are supervised and regulated by the China Banking Regulatory Commission.
(247) Conclusion:The cosolvent should be regulated in the producing technology. The test item of the haemolysis experiment should be added to the quality specification.
(248) Modern hunts are better regulated than in the past, but the harp seal remains perhaps the most commercially important seal, with hundreds of thousands killed each year.
(249) Nowadays domestic automobile company mostly adopted regulated power supply, when electric vehicle is carried developing and testing experiment.
(250) Plan 4 is only for minor Insured. The actual Overseas Accidental Death benefit cannot exceed the amount that is regulated by CIRC.
(251) Both variables are not at their profit-maximizing level. (2) During the reform, worse SOEs are denationalized or closed while their employment system reformed, but better SOEs remain to be regulated.
(252) To publicizes the "Contract Justice" banner, form contract must be regulated.
(253) The product made at the new distillery will be un-aged corn whiskey, but will be taxed and regulated.
(254) The additional yaw-moment is realized by braking some of the wheels and the wheel slip ratio is regulated by the lower controller.
(255) In many regulated industries, the agency's constant surveillance of business activities is similar to the physical inspection of regulated products.
(256) Actual tax collecting rate refers to tax rate specified in enterprise income tax regulations and its implementation regulations or lower tax rate regulated by tax treaty.
(257) The effect of unfavorable publicity on the regulated industry can be devastating.
(258) What it looked like at the time was, the Fed had regulated its institutions well, and its validation was a good imprimatur.
(259) The article studies the integrated regulated power supply of MPM to satisfy the requirement for transmitter of certain unmanned synthetic aperture airborne radar.
(260) Our country has not regulated the securitization of hypothec right specifically, it refers that hypothec mortgage securities can be circulated[], having financing mortgage function of investment.
(261) Market economy is of free economy which, in order to keep the market mechanism effective to work regularly, should be regulated to some degree.
(262) The paper provides valuable reference to the design of non-contact AC regulated power supply.
(263) But in the industrialized world, farming became more of a regulated business.
(264) Each procedure has a strictly regulated, by the person responsible, the guarantee will minimize the probability of error, to provide satisfactory services.
(265) Hematogenous metastasis is a highly regulated process and a cascade of dynamic events involving many factors.
(266) Self-accusation and liberal construction is a penal system regulated by our country's Criminal Law, as well as an important legal circumstance of punishment.
(267) The fifth chapter analyses and evaluates the theory of assumption of risk in the torts law being regulated in China, and suggests some countermeasures to perfect it.
(267) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(268) At present, China's grids regulation policy has gradually been converted to a more incentive mode of the cost-plus regulation which core issue is how to maximize the regulated asset.
(269) We considered that the lactulose feedings were useful for growing well bifidobacteria, suppression of harmful bacteria, regulated micro flora, for maintained micro-ecological equilibrium in gut.
(270) CONCLUSION: Luciferase reporter vectors regulated by HRE/CMV promoters were successfully constructed, which makes it possible to further investigate their potency of hypoxia regulation.
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