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Regardless in a sentence

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Sentence count:270+11Posted:2016-07-19Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: despitenotwithstandingSimilar words: regardless ofregardingas regardsin regard towith regard tohardly anyregainupwardly mobileMeaning: [rɪ'gɑrdlɪs /-'gɑːd-]  adj. (usually followed by `of') without due thought or consideration. adv. in spite of everything; without regard to drawbacks. 
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91. The rate of contribution to the pension plan is the same for all employees, regardless of age.
92. Regardless of their preferences, not every couple is lucky enough to find two equal jobs in the same community.
93. Mr Lamont has also put his mark on Tory budgets for the next three years, regardless of whether he remains Chancellor.
94. Reduced lung function has been associated with low birth weight regardless of whether the child had respiratory complications at birth.
95. Allstate has said regardless of whether the settlement is challenged, its decision to turn agents into independent contractors will remain intact.
96. As you know, traveling can create problems of this sort regardless of how careful the airline personnel might be.
97. B.. Regardless of what instrumentation you had, you still played these different kinds of songs.
98. But why should a family hold on to a belief regardless of its truth?
99. Some can be so strong that regardless of the consequences they compel action.
100. Regardless of race or class, what people were most disturbed about was the declining quality of their schools.
101. These amounts measure the exposure value of each party's sites, regardless of how they were booked.
102. Regardless of their initial intentions, their work has been understood and accepted as an open manifestation of political support.
103. The students are amazed that almost everyone, regardless of background, writes down chair and rose.
104. In general, industrial production managers share many of the same major functions, regardless of the industry.
105. To the surprise of many, and regardless of the approaching Easter weekend, a string of real-life cash-in-hand buyers appeared.
106. He does what he wants, regardless of what I say.
107. This period applies regardless of any direction contained in the will to make a payment earlier.
108. The floating of the pound in 1972 symbolized this turnaround in favour of sustaining expansion regardless of the inflationary cost.
109. Most surgical patients, regardless of the extent of their operation,[] are at risk of some degree of problem with breathing.
110. All monies should appear in the budget, regardless of source.
111. The important compatibility advance will allow software to run unchanged on all Mips products regardless of supplier.
112. It needs to be borne in mind that the computer program will be protected by copyright law regardless of the patent situation.
113. Regardless of your preference you should try to establish a pattern.
114. Regardless of who or what triggered these placements,( the average length of stay was reported as 15. 4 months.
115. Regardless, Bard said, the $ 14 million experiment showed that large structures can be inflated in orbit.
116. Regardless of official ideologies our culture is therefore, by my judgement, less feminist than it was thirty years ago.
117. Why did he have to be manipulated to admit what he genuinely believed, regardless of the political smokescreens.
118. Deciding to choose the positive is to celebrate the birdsong, regardless of the weather.
119. The hard copy volume is deleted from the hard copy directory regardless of whether it has been accepted or rejected.
120. Defining rigorously what constitutes a clinically significant depressive illness is problematic, regardless of the age range under consideration.
More similar words: regardless ofregardingas regardsin regard towith regard tohardly anyregainupwardly mobilelessavant-gardeblessmuch lessnonethelesshomelesssenselessmore or lessno less thanneverthelessneedlea bundle ofmiddle-classgaragegarliclegalmiddle groundgarbagelegacylegallycigaretteillegal
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